Chapter 6 - Mr. Cane’s Hobbies


Nocturn Number 20. Chopin's haunting melody perfectly portrays my mood when I step into the threshold. The classical number permeates the walls of Cane Estate.

Mother lounges in the parlor with a glass of what I'm assuming is her 10th cocktail for the day. She greets me with a Bourbon Old Fashioned instead of a motherly hug or kiss. It would be too much for Mrs. Cane to show affection. Even to her son. A week is not a long enough distance.

"Austin dear, was that what you wore at the Trade Fair?" she said, picking the olives from her martini. Not even sparing me a glance as she questions my appearance.

"Yes, mother. It was fairly casual."

"Hmm," she replies. Running her hands on a throw pillow. "Meredith is stopping by."

"Yes. You mentioned earlier."

"Would it hurt if you would be more enthusiastic?" She finally graces me with a disparaging look. I knew it would only be a matter of time.

"And would it hurt if you actually listened? As I've said, we've broken up. She cheated on me."

"People make mistakes dear, that's life." Not an ounce of sympathy.

"She cheated on me with my friend, mother. Surely, there are lines that shouldn't be crossed." I said darkly.

"Do not be so melodramatic, you were kids. If you would have been a better partner, she would not have had been so bored. It was your fault as much as hers."

"So it's my fault she jumped on the nearest guy because I was growing my business?" I practically hissed.

"Enough! You will not take that tone with me. I am your mother! You ungrateful bastard! If your father was here..." It's truly a skill how she says these poisonous words without raising her voice. To an outsider, she might as well have asked how my day was.

"I'm going to the gym." I barely restrain myself.

"You will stay here. You will talk to the girl. She's coming here for an investment deal." Her casual tone was layered with venom.

"I will not be humiliated by such a selfish son." She emphasizes. Giving it a different meaning.

I catch on.

I stay.


"Austin dear! It's truly been so long." She kisses my cheek. Left. Right. Holding onto my face too close and too long for my comfort.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Please, let's have a chat. Catch up!" She makes herself at home. With mother flitting around the room, going as far as serving her with her favorite dessert. She doesn't even know mine, how does she know my ex-girlfriend's?

"Samantha didn't mention you'd be here. What a delightful surprise!" she says, inching closer and closer to me.

"Amazing." I deadpan, leaning my body away. She does not comment on my tone nor does she recognize my mood.

I don't expect otherwise. She has always been too self-absorbed and indifferent.

"Lovely!" My mother clasps her hands in a display of delight and approval. I nearly roll my eyes.

"I'll leave you two to catch up. I'm sure you have more important things to discuss. We can talk about the investment some other day, Meredith." she said. Seeing those air cheek kisses will never not vex me.

Not even a few seconds go by and my ex-girlfriend is grabbing my arm, "Baby, it's been months." I visibly cringe and move away. This sofa is not long enough for the distance I need.

"Do not call me that. I've never liked it, and I never will." I'm sure my tone can't be ignored this time.

"Don't be silly, sweetheart. You've always loved it when I say sweet things to you." I really look at her now. Her blonde hair falls in waves. Her elegant dress perfectly hugged her model physique - she was stunning.

If only her personality also matched her appearance.

"Yes, I did." This makes her smile. Leaning more into me.

"I adored you, Meredith. I really did." She's anticipating something now.

"But that quickly went down the drain when I saw you f*cking my friend.

In my bed.

In my own apartment."

She visibly cringes at my crass words. She's never seen or heard me curse. To her, I'm a perfect gentleman. To her, I'm someone she can toy with and manipulate.

"It was one time, Austin. It wasn't anything serious. I would have explained myself if you only stayed and listened."

"Stayed?! Did you expect me to just hear your side when I saw him inside you?! You're both lucky that I didn't fucking kill him!" I've never raised my voice in her presence, let alone shouted at her and her shocked face says how new this is to her.

The worst part of it was that I couldn't even go back to that apartment after that night. It disgusted me so much that I just left and sold it the next day.

"Austin, I'm sorry. Please."

"What could you have said? How can you even think that was okay? What the hell, Meredith?" I ask her all the unanswered questions in my head. I know it's in vain because nothing will make what she did to me okay.

"I gave 5 years of my life to you. And you threw it all away because you wanted to get fucked."

"I... It was a mistake, Austin. I didn't mean... I didn't mean to push you away."

"It just happened. Okay?" She tries once more. I am livid at this point.

"What do you mean it JUST happened? You just fell on his dick, is that it?!"

"'He was always there for me when you were away on business trips. He actually paid attention to me. He cared about me."

"Then why didn't you just break up with me when clearly, you love him?!" This stuns her.

"I will not have this outrageous behavior in my house." Mother announces her presence. She must have been nearby and heard everything.

"This is ridiculous. I'm leaving." I said, starting to leave.

"No, you will not. Don't be such a child, Austin. Talk about this as adults." Mother sternly says, as if this is a business deal she just decided to undertake.

I stop at the parlor entrance.

I do not stay.


"I told you to help recruit more people! There's no one there now! You're all useless! Stupid!" I bellowed across the open door. New girl cowers at her desk. Bowing her head and fidgeting.

"Close the fucking door and find something useful to do!" The girl is frozen on the spot.

"Now! Move. Damn it." I let my voice carry over to her and she snaps out of it.

I massage my temples, instantly regretting losing my temper.

Boss, I'm requesting overtime. Not enough workforce. I need to stay behind. The foreman informs me. This means I need to pay more. I can afford it, I just don't want to stretch my people thin. I told new girl to help out, it seems she's not that reliable.

Another text message flashes on my phone. We need to talk. Mother keeps on bugging me. Adding to my frustrations. I know if I don't respond quickly enough, she will do something worse. She might show up at the office or at my penthouse. Clearly, boundaries mean nothing to her. She will get what she wants, one way or another.

Austin, baby, please. Meredith hasn't stopped texting me as well. Are those two teaming up just to provide maximum frustration? I'm one step away from changing my phone number.

I only have one option to relieve stress.

Walking out of my office, I catch a glimpse of new girl. I'm well accustomed to making my employees cry, my assistants get the brunt of my temper. It's well known in the company that I rule my kingdom with an iron fist.

I pause out my door. I hesitate upon seeing her tear-stained face. I move along.

New girl's sniffles accompany my steps towards the lift. She tried hard to stop it, especially when she saw me opening the door but I saw her wiping her tears. Those tiny hiccups are somewhat endearing, I will admit.

They do not stir any guilt in my gut. I do not care if a stupid girl cries because of me.

"Have someone deliver these to my assistant's desk after lunch. It's... for an event.."

The catering lady, also known as Ms. Briggs, gives me a rather bored look while accepting the paper bag I filled with chocolates that I bought. I can say with certainty she is one of the few in this whole building who is not scared of me or will ever gossip. She just simply doesn't give a fuck. Serving lunch every day must be soul-crushing.

I go straight up to my penthouse for lunch. To erase from my memory that I've been swayed by a tiny girl crying but the steak isn’t helping my stress levels. I need something more. Feeling guilty is a weakness. Why did I send those chocolates?

I sling back a glass of whiskey. Good thing meetings were canceled this afternoon.

I need to distract myself. I cannot be this pansy over a stupid girl. I won’t let her have any amount of power over my thoughts.

I quickly get in my car. I speed over the heart of Portland and towards the elegant apartments.

I may be a workaholic but I also know the methods I can relieve my stress. When it’s not food, it’s working out. If that doesn’t help, having sex is the next step.

Today, her name is Maddie. One of the girls who belong in what my Mother says is the right circle for me. She’s one of the few I keep around when I’m frustrated. Belonging to the upper echelon affords me her silence. These uppity girls like to stay silent about their indiscretions. God forbid their rich daddies find out they’re fucking the other rich boys and rebuke their funds. These trust fund babies are after all on a tight leash.

Speaking of, despite her Christian school girl act, Maddie likes those too. Today, I don’t have the time and patience for any of that. I know she’s hanging around the apartment her dad paid for. What else is she going to do, work?

I’m proven right when she unlocks the door. She takes a good look at me. I stride towards her liquor cabinet.

“Austin…” She starts with her smooth voice.

“I don’t want to talk about it. Do you have time?” I cut her off.

“Well, yeah. I was just..”

“I don’t care. Come here.” I gesture towards her kitchen island.

She glides forward in that sophisticated manner one acquires from years of breeding from the most exclusive all-girl Christian education. But one thing I’ve learned about these boarding school girls? They are quite freaky. They may seem delicate, soft, and pretentious but if you peel all the daddy issues, you’ll find some repressed shit just waiting to come out.

I have no qualms in indulging in her issues.

I grab her waist and hoist her up the island. Her long legs automatically wrap around my back.

Yes, this is definitely better than exercise or food. Not a single thing on my mind other than this pleasure.