Chapter 19 - Not Team Cane

“Listen. I need you to pick up stuff for the little one.” I nod. I knew this, Charlie would need the items from the vet - some toys, vitamins, and dog food.

“She would have to be settled with her… things at the penthouse.” He pauses. He is deciding on something from the contemplative look on his face.

“Okay, fine. You will have to go up and get her comfortable. Afterward, I have a meeting with the Engineering Department, I need you there to take notes.”

Everything was alright until he told me this.

“Excuse me? I mean, sir. I can’t just go to your place by myself..?”

He crosses his arms. I knew by this gesture that he was peeved.

“Are you questioning my orders, Ms. Blake? Or are you forgetting who’s the boss here?”

That cold and distant tone again.

“When I tell you to do something, you do it. No questions asked.” He stands and stares at the window of his office.

“Do not presume that just because you’ve been to my penthouse and that you saw my life there, you have any right to question me. About anything. At all.” The anger in his voice is palpable.

“Am I making myself clear?” His voice rose with every sentence.

“Yeah, sir.” I look down at the floor. “Yes, Mr. Cane.”

How could I ever forget that it’s still Mr. Asshole I’m facing here?

It’s like all the events yesterday did not happen at all. Who is this man in front of me? He’s nothing like the person who cooked and smiled just 24 hours ago.

“Then go.” He turns his back on me, dismissing me once again.


We’re back to this push and pull. I’m not even surprised. It’s as if all the snow and the storm took away the good side of my boss. He could only be that tolerable guy in that cozy and calm atmosphere at the penthouse.

Such a shame. He was really charming.

I collect my things at my desk. I’m just excited I get to see Charlie again.

I glanced at my station to check if I didn’t leave anything behind.

‘Did you miss me?’ There’s another yellow sticky note on my monitor.

Except this time it’s not some silly compliment. There’s no smiley face. No encouraging words or random statements.

I slowly back away. This just got personal. The person is asking if I missed them.

What the actual hell?

This isn’t some note from a friend. This is something else.

I snatch the paper and throw it in the trash.

Looking around my little corner, I can’t help but be paranoid.


I pressed the button on the elevator that would take me to the Marketing floor.

“Hey, girl. What’s shakin’?” Charlie’s smile could light up the room. I ignore it.

“Hi, did you leave a stress ball on my desk?” My anxiety is through the roof.

“My first days at work. Did you leave anything for me on my desk?” I repeat.

“What? Why would I do that?” His impeccably sculpted eyebrow is raised at my harried appearance.

“I don’t know. I thought it was you. How about the Post-it notes?” At his dumb-founded look, I ask again, “The compliments? I thought it was pep-talk or something. How about the chocolates?”

“Damn, O. I’m not in love with you or something, why would I do that?”

Shit. This just became creepy.

“Nothing. Sorry. I just…”

“Look, tell me all about it. Lunch?”

“I have to go. I need to get stuff for Charlie.” I start to walk away.

“What do you mean you need to get my stuff? Girl, you’re talking crazy.”

This makes me stop my panic attack and giggle. Mr. Cane has no idea he just named his puppy after my best gay friend.

“It’s silly. I’ll see you later. I have something I need to tell you guys.”


A squeaky toy falls on the floor. I duck to get it before I trip on it and spill Charlotte’s pellets all over Mr. Cane’s expensive rug.

She snatches it up before I can and runs.

“Hey!” She wags the toy, her anger is cute, unlike her dad. The squeak squeak of the toy makes her terrorize it even more. I watch her delight over making something suffer.

She brings it over to me when she’s done.

“Hi, little one. Your dad asked me to get you comfy here.” I hand her a treat and smooth out her fluffy hair that got disheveled from the vigorous shake-down she inflicted on her toy.

“Tsk. Barely a day here and you’re getting influenced by your dad’s aggressive energy.” She barks happily at me and follows me to the kitchen.

The humongous bag of dog food I picked up for her sits on the counter. I sigh. Where do I locate scissors? Maybe a knife would do.

I stopped myself, Mr. Anal About Control wouldn’t like the packages butchered like that. He might even want a proper container with labels and all that fancy stuff.

“Well, aren’t you a demanding little thing?” I say to Charlotte who has taken to biting my ankle for food. I get her bowl and pour some food. Mr. Asshole can figure out the container situation later.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I take it out. Speaking of my boss, he just sent a message.

‘Take the leftovers from last night. I don’t want them in the fridge. It’s unnecessary clutter.’

“Well, damn. I wouldn’t call food like that. But sure, I’ll take the clutter.” I hum to myself. Happy that I have lunch today. Maybe I can even take home some for my mother.

Another message from my not-such-a-dick-after-all boss comes through just when I’m done packing some delicious vegetables and steak.

Yes, I can be bribed with food. There’s no shame in that.

‘Take the caramel ice cream.’

I almost drop my cracked phone and send it to its final resting place.

Did I just read that right?

Oh my god. The ice cream. I close my eyes and release a slow breath.

This guy. I have no words.

What is it with him, food, and this kitchen?

Charlotte takes my mind out of the gutter by brushing my ankles with her wet snout.

I pick her up and cuddle her on the couch.

“Are you full, little one? Your dad bought you a lot of food and toys so just wait here, okay?” She presents me with her bulging stomach to scratch.

Just a few days ago, she was shivering and starving on the streets.

“Look at you, you’re all pampered and happy here. Be good, yeah? Don’t bite the pillows and pee on his rug.” I try to negotiate with her.

Pretty sure she can do whatever she wants at this point. She has Mr. Cane wrapped around her little paw.

“Alright, Charlie, I gotta go.” Her food coma allows her to be docile enough. She licks my palm as a goodbye and snuggles up on the pillows.

That is one lucky puppy.


“He really named a puppy after me?” The indignant voice squeals on my right side.

“Yeah, but it’s Charlotte so it’s not like it’s really you.” I snigger.

“Cute,” Andrea adds.

“Are we going to ignore the fact that he let you into his place?” Rosie asked. The whole gang is seated at our usual table and I just delivered the latest news.

“It’s not like he had any choice. Would you like him to leave me outside or in the lobby? Everyone was out already. I didn’t even see Janice at the front.”

“Still, he could have sent you to a nearby hotel, ya know? It’s not like you can’t walk up to one. We’re literally at the heart of downtown, Olivia. It wasn’t a cataclysm or something.”

“I don’t know, it seemed romantic. Just you and him - lights out and cold.” Andrea supplies.

“But it wasn’t, we were just rescuing an almost dying puppy. It was just necessary, okay?” I defend the turn of events. They’re making it out that it was a moment or some sort.

“It was totally something.” Charlie insists. “No one’s been up there, never has anyone been allowed. I thought it was just a rumor. Did you pass by some secret door? Or did he like input a secret code in the elevator?”

“Jeez, it’s not like that.” I chuckle at his over-enthusiastic excitement at the prospect of Mr. Cane’s mysterious penthouse. If he knew how homey it felt, he wouldn’t think it was a top-secret place.

“What’s it like though? Did he have Gothic antique furniture? Skulls and petrified animals?” Rosie leans over.

“He literally adopted a tiny shih-tzu off the street. He’s not that scary.”

“Tell that to the Montana crew he just screamed at yesterday. Did you know, a few of them quit because he insulted them for thirty minutes straight?”

“Okay, no, Andrea. That is not true. He wasn’t shouting for that long. They were just unprepared and…”

“Girl, you’re defending him now? Love is in the air.” Charlie smirks at this.

“Where’d you even get that info?” Rosie asked Andrea.


“She’s not a real reliable source,” I tell them.

“Of course, we know that,” Rosie interjects. “But you’re already compromised. You’re Team Cane now!”

“I’m what, now?” I mumble. Spooning some ice cream into my mouth. Just the taste of caramel takes me back to last night and Mr. Cane’s…

“Oh, too bad. I was rooting for Tommy. A change of heart, fuckboy turns good guy story.” Andrea says. Diverting my thoughts away from glorious abs.

I didn’t breathe a word about the ice cream incident to the group. They don’t need more ammunition.

“Or a coming out one,” Charlie says dreamily.

“It’s not gonna happen, dude.” Rosie reminds him.

“He’s just a friend,” I correct them once again.

“Well, your ‘friend’ just saw you and he’s making his way over here,” Rosie informs me.

I swivel around in my chair and see Tommy walking to our table with a sour expression on his face.

“Hey, Olivia. Can I talk to you?”

“Oooh!” The table teases us.

“Shut up, you guys,” I quickly pack up my lunch and the remaining leftovers and follow him.

“Sup?” I ask the tall guy.

“What’s up? I’ve been trying to reach you for the past few days.” He’s definitely agitated.

“Oh, uhh been busy. Lots of things happened.” He sags at this response.

“I thought you were ignoring me. I kept on texting you.”

“Yeah, no. I don’t really like texting that much. Why? Did you need something from me?”

“No, I mean… I just wanted to hear from you.” He scratches his neck.

“Oh, alright. Is that it?” I walk over to the elevators.

“Yeah, sorry. I just thought I did something wrong.” I shrug.

“Listen, I just have a meeting but can I visit you later?” He asks.

“Mr. Cane said I should be there. At your meeting. It’s after lunch, right?”

“Yeah, come with me.” He ushers me to the elevators and eagerly punches the button to his floor.

“Whoa there, excited for work?” I laugh at his enthusiasm.

“Not exactly. But as I said before, you can hang out with us engineers anytime on our floor, okay? Any time. We have cool gadgets and I can teach you so many things.”

“Did you want an apprentice or something? Sorry big guy, I’m not really good at math and electronics.” I smile up at him.

“No, I just like you there in my space.”

“Hmm..” Before I can respond to him, the doors open and the sound of activity distracts me.

Halfway through the open area, I spot an imposing figure waiting by Tommy’s work area.

Seeing this, Tommy leans closer to me as we walk toward Mr. Cane.

His narrowed eyes follow our movements.

His clenched jaw and intimidating stare are clear indications that the meeting’s not off to a good start.