Chapter 20 - Win Some, Lose Some

“Where have you been?” Mr. Cane trains his death glare on me.

“Lunch?” I hold up the paper bag of leftovers as proof. He narrows his eyes. Glances back at Tommy.

“You’re early,” He remarks to Mr. Cane.

“Is that not allowed, Mr. Ford?”

“Oh, the formalities are back.” I take a seat before the bickering begins. I’m still full from my meal and I want to digest in peace.

“Where are the rest of the team? Why aren’t they here yet?”

“Again, you’re early, Austin.” Tommy checks his watch. “They’ve got fifteen more minutes.”

“Then why are you both here already?”

“I was planning to show Olivia around. Get her familiarized with my people and my area.”

If a grown man can pout, I think he would have done it by this time.

Mr. Cane is not amused.

“So there’s a tour? Come on then, show us around.”

“I said, it’s only with Olivia.”

“No worries, I wanted to conduct an inspection anyway. Lead the way, Mr. Ford.”

“But the meeting?”