Chapter 23 - Prince Charming Does Not Exist

A ball of black fur greets me.

“Charlie! How are you? What have you been up to, girl?” I aggressively fluff up her silky fur. The soft and luxurious rug in the living room is becoming my new favorite thing. I crouch down and play with the puppy while Mr. Cane disappears toward the corridor.

“Were you good today, huh?” She barks and jumps, twirling around for good measure.

“I know, I know, I had to visit you again!” She licks my face but I try to dodge her snout.

I hug her tightly. She tries to squirm and playfully gnaws on my knuckles instead.

“Goodness, are you hungry? You’re eating me,” I bumped her nose with my finger and she yelped at me.

“I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I won’t boop your little nose anymore,” I tell her while doing so once more.

The awful incident disappeared in my mind just like that. Puppy therapy at its finest.

“Ow, ow! Alright, let’s move.” Her overexcited movements bumps into my sore side and we transfer to the couch.