Chapter 24 - Mr. Cane At The Mall

“It’s a good thing that it’s Friday, but you might need your own clothes for next week,” he said while scooping some rice onto his plate. He drizzles the creamy curry sauce on top of it.

“I definitely can’t wear this.” I try hard not to grin at the thought of wearing something of Mr. Cane’s at the office.

“No, uh…” he glances down at the shirt I’m currently donning - his. The neckline swoops with my small frame, exposing a bit of my collarbone and shoulder.

He clears his throat, going back to the food.

“We can go back to your house or I can ask Ronnie to pick it up.”

Oh. Yeah, I completely forgot that he has his own driver. So why does he always offer to drive me?

“Okay, sir, thanks again.”

Of course, he refuses to acknowledge my gratitude. His stoicism is sometimes unnerving.

“We’ll report your father to the police first thing in the morning,” he just casually drops on me.