Chapter 25 - Attractions and Realizations


“Excuse me but dogs aren’t allowed in our shop,” the clerk tells my assistant at the entrance. She points at Charlie and haughtily turns up her nose at the two.

Before I could say a word, the girl said, “Who said so? Where’s the sign?”

The clerk’s mouth opens and closes, much like a goldfish, trying to find the right words to tell off my assistant.

I chuckle at this and enter the shop.

“They’re with me,” I tell the clerk.

“Oh, Mr. Cane, of course. Of course,” she bows her head. Twice. “We’ll be right with you, sir. I’ll just be a moment,” she scurries to the back of the shop. Presumably to alert Giovanni, the owner.

This is the shop my family visits for our suits and gowns. The owner has been measuring me since I was a kid.

Giovanni emerges from the back, bowing his head. He shoos away the clerk and brings out his measuring tape after I inform him that I want a new suit tomorrow.