Chapter 45 - Black Roses

Still riding from the high of the fantastic weekend, I almost glide over to my desk. Everything just feels lighter now. Like everything is in its rightful place. Everything will be okay, nothing can stop me from having the best day ever since my boss is no longer breathing down my back and causing me stress.

Nothing could bring me down from this high. Not that I wasn’t sure before about his feelings, but it’s good to know we’re on the same exact page. There are no games being played, there are no secrets or anything that could ruin what we feel for each other.

Everything will work out. It’s just a matter of time before everything gets settled and straightened out about his father’s last will and testament.

I just need to trust him and trust his word.

I nod, strengthening my resolve.

Reaching my desk, I do a double take.

A bizarre-looking package sits unassumingly on my chair. But its weird packaging and the haphazard way it’s placed right on my chair is suspicious.