Chapter 46 - Desires Fulfilled

He takes my hand and looks back at me.

I nod at him, reassuring him that my decision is final.

He smiles and pulls me to the threshold of his room.

“You sure?” he asks again.


He nudged me until my back was on the door of his room.

“There’s no going back after this,” he informs me.

I kiss him to shut him up.

“I’m sure,” I said. And just to make things more clear I lick into his mouth. I sucked on his tongue and nibbled on his lip. Licking it just for good measure.

“Why are you so good at this?” he growled as he dazedly looked at my lips.

I shrugged. I’m just doing what I’ve fantasized about from the first day we met.

He pushed me onto the door.

“You’re driving me crazy, Olivia,” he murmured to my ear while he pressed his entire front to me.

I can feel the hardness of his muscles, I can feel his erection poking me through his clothes.