Chapter 57 - Stupid In Love

I took a day off.

In the middle of the week, and the first time for me, I took it.

I pride myself in reporting to work no matter what, even if I’m bloodied and half alive, best believe that I need the salary that much that I would power through.

He knows that. He knows that I will come to work whatever the case.

But this time, this time I just can’t.

I physically would not be able to.

After bawling my eyes out with my mom, I relocated my misery to my designated area and wept like a baby in my room.

Poor Charlotte had to take the brunt of my suffering by trying everything in order to comfort me.

The puppy resorted to placing herself on my chest and licking all the tears. She was that determined but she finally got knocked out around sunrise.

I just could not sleep, all these scenarios in my head kept on playing.

How did he cheat on me, where, and how many times?

Did he love it?

It’s maddening.