Chapter 58 - What Goes Around... Comes Around


I watch her back out of the room.

I was up and striding toward her a second after but she managed to run away.

“God fucking damn it!” I cursed and held the door open as she frantically pushed the elevator button.

I step into the corridor and if I run, I know I can stop her but should I?

I have no qualms about groveling at this point. I really don’t, but does she deserve my pathetic excuses?

Will I just hurt her more by pushing myself on her when clearly, I’m not good for her?

The elevator door slides close as the woman I love slips away from me.

No amount of work can distract me from what happened.

The ever-growing guilt swirling around in my stomach makes me head toward my mini bar in my office.

I unscrew the bottle of my most potent liquor and drink straight from it. Maybe if I drown myself with enough of it, I can forget the things I did to her.

Even for just a few seconds.