Chapter 60 - When The Dam Bursts

The moment I saw him again after the betrayal, I split my day in two. The first half includes work and the second features moping around at home. The former entails pretending he doesn’t exist. The latter involves melancholic thoughts and late-night nostalgia.

Both are misery-inducing. But I’ve gotten used to the numbness whenever I’m at the office. I’ve barricaded myself at my desk and nothing and no one can ever hurt me again. This personal bubble is admittedly delicate but it’s something that keeps me going.

I simply refuse to handle pain at work. Period, no excuses whatsoever. Even if the man of my dreams is just beyond that door in front of me. Even if I see him every day. Not lovers nor friends. A little bit more than strangers, definitely colleagues.

I shake my head, this concludes my slip-up for the day.

There’s no peeking at the past or thinking about him on a personal level. Strictly, he’s Mr. Cane. Nothing more.

I bury myself in work yet again.