Chapter 61 - Second First Date

“Yes, you heard me right,” he said.

“But, but…” I began, mind blown and reeling from the turn of events.

“And before you get the idea of slapping me, can you just hear me out first?” he asked.


“Just, shut up for a bit, okay? Better yet,” he glanced around his office, “ I think we need to talk elsewhere.”

I tried to see what he was looking for, hidden cameras perhaps?

He nudged me toward the door.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Trust me,” he pleaded.

I grumbled as I followed him.

The trauma and skepticism over the whole matter left a sizable gap between us as we entered the elevator.

When he didn’t press the button for the basement, I raised my eyebrow at him.

He cocked his head as we made our way across the building’s lobby. “Come on. Let’s take a walk,” he held the door for me. I let him lead and we rounded a familiar corner.

He looked back at me and smiled, a little shy one that made my stomach react.