Chapter 62 - Dinner at the Blake's

“Do not freak out,” I said as I opened the front door.

“What?” my mom poked her head from the kitchen. “What?! What’s going on, Olivia?” she asked while I gulped down water from the glass she handed me.

“Slow down, what is happening?” she said anxiously.

“He’s coming to visit his puppy.”

“He? Who?“

“Austin,” I said breathlessly. Rushing home before he arrived was my brilliant idea to prepare my mom but I didn’t take into account that he has his own driver and I could have just called her up.

The effect of that man on me. I spent a few hours in his presence and it seemed all the resentment I built up the past few weeks just disappeared like a bubble bursting.

“Stop fidgeting, what do we need to do?”

“Dinner. Please, mom?” I pleaded.

She put her hands on her hips and scowled, “Didn’t he cheat on you?”