Chapter 63 - Heist

He centered the knot of his tie. His crisp white collar contrasts his gray vest in the most attractive way.

We stand at the front door of the Cane estate.

“All good,” I said to him.

His deep gaze didn’t leave my face. He nodded.

The door opened and an old man with impeccable taste bowed at Austin. “Sir, good evening. I’ll let Mrs. Cane know right away.”

He looked at me and said, “Ma’am,” before stepping back and opening the massive entrance door.

“Mr. Peters, could I have a quick word?” Austin glanced at me and I quickly headed inside.

I exhaled with every step I took leading to the sitting room. I ventured to open the door, taking a quick look back at Austin and the man murmuring by the corner.

He glanced up and minutely shook his head. I retracted my hand and continued walking along the corridor.