Chapter 72 - Desperation


“ETA, Ronnie?!”

“Five minutes, sir,” he rounded a corner after speeding through the highway. Ronnie swerved and hit a mailbox. He sped up as if nothing happened. I dialed Olivia’s phone once again. It’s futile but I have to do something while sitting in the car on the way to her home. Before Ronnie could park, I’m out of the car and ran down the streets like a madman.

“Fuck! Fuck!” she’s nowhere to be found. Where is she? In the corner of my eye, Mrs. Blake came out of a neighbor’s house and I ran up to her.

“Anything?” I asked desperately. She shook her head. Before I could say anything, she was running up to another neighbor’s house. Frantically knocking on another door, who seemed to ignore her. At her dejected look, I reassure her that I’ve called the police.