Chapter 73 - When The Past Comes Back To Bite You

I woke with a start, gasping and wondering where I was. The familiar darkness swiftly brought me back to my grim reality. I noticed a pinching on my arm and heaviness. I try to feel for it with my other hand but I can’t move it either.

My restraints are tightened. I’m immobile.

“Do not fuss, alright?” I registered the voice to my right. “It’s just an IV. Since you refuse to obey me, you’re dehydrated. You badly need the fluids.” He must be injecting something else in me. That’s why I’m so dizzy and weak. It’s getting worse by the day. I shake my arm in the hopes that it will come off.

“Oh, you want me to make you stop?” I heard the smile in his voice.

Instant fear. The outline of his body, the crushing weight on me is still fresh in my memory. I shudder at the thought of a repeat performance. I lay completely still.

“Very good, baby. You’re learning. I’m so proud of you.” His words make me sick. Literally sick, I dry heave.