Chapter 74 - Revelations

“Parker!” I sputtered.

“You… you’re Parker! I’m sure of it!” I shrieked. “How fucking dare you!”

“There it is,” he said. “Took you long enough.”

With my remaining strength, I swing my bound arms at him. He easily grabbed it as I screamed in his face. “Let it out, let it out,” he indulged. Rubbing my arm as I raged. That made me more mad.

I managed to spit on him. Not quite sure if it landed but it was the effort that counted. “You fucking bastard! Let me go!” I bellowed.

‘Help! Somebody help!” I thrashed as he struggled to reign me in his arms. “Please, somebody! I’m here!”

“Anybody, anybody…” I sobbed. “Why are you doing this? Let me go,” I begged repeatedly.

Needless to say, my efforts were useless and the quick burst of energy quickly left my body. I slumped on the bed with tears streaming down my eyes. The blindfold soaking through.