Chapter 80 - Silver Linings

- Half an hour earlier -

I threw my head back and it collided with his face this time. He reeled back.

I jumped back and slammed my chains to his bleeding eye again and again. He groaned in pain as he tried to catch my hands with his eyes shut. He charged forward and used his massive chest to slam me on the table. The back of my head bounced painfully on the wooden surface, causing me to lose consciousness for a few crucial moments.

I regained my bearings as I felt his massive hand strangling me and the other securing my hands. With all my might, I slid up the table and pushed my thigh up, kneeing his dick. He crumpled like a piece of paper on the floor.

I scrambled down from the table and fell on the floor. He tried to grasp my legs, but I kicked back and crawled. I didn’t look back as I dizzily made my way to the door on my hands and knees.