Chapter 81 - Epilogue


The distinct smell of iron permeates my nostrils.

I scrunch my eyes closed, willing away the fresh memory of seeing my love in agony.

Red. There’s so much of it. On my hands, my shirt.

My nails are caked in it. Dried blood. Oh god - - her blood.

Splattered on the fabric over my knees where I’ve tightly clutched the skin. Anything to help keep me tethered. Anything to keep me from knocking down nurses and interns from getting to her.

There’s so much blood. I grit my teeth as I fight the thought that for every ounce splashed on me, less is circulating in her body. I fist my hands, I’d give anything to put it all back. I’d give anything to rewind everything.

What could a few more minutes have done to save her? A few seconds?

Could I have stopped him from putting that bullet inside my love?

I blink back the extreme urge to find him and make him suffer. Bullets wouldn’t do. It won’t be enough. Nothing would be enough.