Chapter 82 - The Aftermath

He pressed his lips onto mine. And like coming home, I responded. Like coming home, I smiled. My world stopped now that I realized I was finally here with him.

I’m safe, I’m really safe. Or that’s what I told myself. But the smile quickly turned into a sob. A quaking, uncontrollable, and horrifyingly unattractive burst of tears.

Oh my god, I’m out of that hellhole. The room went silent as I heaved. He slowly ran his fingers through my tangled hair, gently and oh so delicately.

I closed my eyes and winced as the pain slowly took hold of my body. Oh, right… everything truly hurts. The slightest movement is so goddamn excruciating.

“It’s okay, love. Just let the pain relievers work their way. Just hold on, okay?” Austin whispered into my ear. Reassuring me as I felt drowsy.

Did the doctors inject something in me already?

I feel so dizzy, the world spinning around me. Oh no, please. It’s… so… familiar.