Chapter 88 - Hailey


“Thanks for meeting me.”

“No problem at all, Mr. Cane. It’s entirely my pleasure, trust me.”

The woman let go of my hand as she sat down. Her green eyes scanned me from head to foot. She wasn’t even subtle about it. Sizing me up, looking for any detection of weaknesses maybe?

“You came highly recommended. I just wanted to formally meet up. As I understand, Mr. Henderson is tied up with business abroad. No matter, I trust your firm to handle it.”

“I sincerely apologize for the short notice. Scheduling is hard this time of the year. Crime and all,” she giggled at her own joke. She’s odd, a little bit out there.

“No worries, Ms. Sinclair.”

“You can call me Hailey. Alright, let’s get right into it. On to our case. What do you have for me? I have his psych report already. Anything new?”

“Oh, you’ve got it? That was fast.”

“Part of the job, Mr. Cane.”

“Alright, besides that I don’t have any other updates.”