Chapter 89 - Trouble Brewing

“It’s barely been a month. I thought they were holding up.”

A pause.

“You were supposed to give me a heads up. Were you not handling it?”

Another pause.

“Just stop talking…I’ll be there in half an hour.” Austin’s heated voice carried into the room. I abruptly put down my book and cocked my head. He entered the room shortly, sweaty from his workout and fuming from whatever news he just heard.

I followed him with my eyes as he stripped naked and got a towel. I averted my eyes. Forcing my eyes to remain on Stephen King’s short stories. What was he saying about corn?

I didn’t retain one word of the whole page as Austin came back to the bed after his shower. He shrugged on a long-sleeved shirt with barely buttoned gray slacks.

A suit. I know this Austin very well. Mr. Cane buttoned up his cuff links. All he needs is his expensive loafers and he’d be ready to conquer the world as the big bad boss that he is.

“Love, please call your mom. I have an emergency.”