Chapter 90 - Deranged and Missing You


“Show me your hands.”

I did as I was told.

“Move three steps back.”

The old male nurse slotted the tray inside my room and didn’t wait for me to catch it. I learned my lesson that first day.

The smell of bland food has never been more unappealing. I slurp up the questionable contents of the tray, not because I want to, but because my famished body is not giving me the option to reject it anymore.

Not caring nor minding the weird texture, I don’t even chew on the damned things I’m shoveling down my mouth. My dwindling strength is dependent on these, no matter how much I abhor it.

A bang on the metal door distracts me mid-bite. I shuffle onto the only entrance and exit of my confinement because I know that if I don’t, they will make me.

The undeniable smirk on my face was swiftly erased that first day when it dawned on me: this was actually worse than prison.