Chapter 8

"Did you really think you could fool us?" David sneered, his malevolent expression sending shivers down my spine.

Turning to his two cronies, Peter and Cole, he inquired, "Gentlemen, what do you think we should do to him?"

Cole, known for his twisted imagination, placed a finger on his chin, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Hmm, I think we should toss him into the school pool and continuously dunk his head, forcing him to struggle for air."

Peter, always the calculating strategist, added, "You're too kind, Cole. Let's make it more memorable. How about making him run naked through the entire city with a vibrator stick on his ass?"

"Nice idea, both of you," David mused, savoring the prospect of tormenting me further. After a moment's pause, a sinister grin crept across his face. "I just had a brilliant idea, guys. Let's combine both of your suggestions for Kazuma's torment today."

Both Peter and Cole applauded David's twisted plan. "David, you're a genius," they chimed in unison, their unwavering loyalty evident.

But just as this malevolent plot was taking shape, a voice of compassion and reason interrupted. It was the school nurse, standing resolute between us, shielding me from their cruelty.

"I won't let you hurt Kazuma," she declared firmly, her voice unwavering as she positioned herself as my protector.

"What did you just say?" David retorted, his anger flaring at the interference. This nurse was getting in the way of their sadistic fun, and that was unacceptable.

Undeterred, I reached out and touched the nurse's lab coat. My words, unexpectedly raw, broke through David's façade. "Don't worry about me, ma'am, or you might not be able to escape his wrath," I said, my voice quivering. Then, in a poignant moment, tears welled up in my eyes, and I mustered a fragile smile. "Thanks for taking care of me. It's the first time someone has looked out for me in a long time."

The nurse gently took my hands and reassured me, "Don't worry. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore."

As I observed this exchange, a maelstrom of emotions surged within me. For the first time, I felt seen and protected. The nurse's compassion made me question the path David and his lackeys were on.

Wiping away my tears, I raised my head to look at David. His anger flared again, and his veins pulsed with frustration.

"Don't cross me," David warned, his voice a blend of authority and anger. "You won't like what I'll do to you. Don't you know who I am?"

Cole, ever eager to assert their dominance, reinforced David's threat. "You better listen to David right now, or you won't like what's going to happen next."

But the nurse wasn't backing down. Her anger boiled over as she confronted them. "Why are you three bullying him like this? Don't you know he has contemplated suicide countless times?"

I observed the school nurse closely. Her anger wasn't directed at them personally; it was a fierce maternal protectiveness she felt toward me. Her words struck a chord with me, causing a momentary pause.

"So, Kazuma," David began, his voice softening slightly as he took a step closer, "you've thought about taking your own life. Who gave you permission to do that?" Beneath his authoritarian tone, a hint of genuine concern emerged.

Hearing David's voice, I let out a startled cry and buried my face in the nurse's protective embrace.

David approached, his footsteps echoing ominously in the room. With every step, his anger simmered beneath the surface. Then, a resounding slap rang out, echoing through the room. I looked up to see that he had slapped the school nurse across the face. Her cheek reddened instantly, and blood trickled from her mouth.

"Consider this a warning," David declared, his voice cold and detached. "Next time, heed my orders. Do you want to lose your job and never find employment again? I can make that happen with my father's connections."

As he returned to his previous stance, his anger seemed to have reached its zenith. The tension in the room was palpable, and I knew that if he got any closer to me, the torment and violence I would face would be unimaginable.

"I may lose my job, but I won't let you bully Kazuma any longer," the school nurse declared as she raised her face once more, extending both of her hands on both sides to create a protective barrier that would keep David and his two henchmen at bay.

"I don't like hitting women; it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Hey, Peter and Cole, beat her up so badly that she won't be able to stand up to me anymore."

Hearing these chilling words, I couldn't remain silent any longer. I pleaded instantly, "Please, David, leave her alone, please. I will follow you now, please."

"Who gave you permission to speak, piggy? Watch how the nurse gets beaten because of you. Take this as a lesson that this is the fate of anyone who helps you, piggy," David said as he allowed his henchmen to advance towards the school nurse, ready to unleash violence.

Cole raised his hands to strike the defenseless nurse, and without a second thought, I rushed forward. I positioned myself in front of her, taking the blow meant for her. The pain I felt when Cole's blow landed on my face was excruciating, but I couldn't allow harm to befall the nurse. With sheer determination, I grabbed both Peter and Cole by their legs with both my hands and firmly declared, "I won't let you hurt her."

After hearing my defiant words, Cole and Peter responded with cruel laughter. They taunted me in unison, "You're really a fool, you know that? You couldn't even protect yourself, and now you think you can protect someone else."

"Yes, I can," I retorted, my voice unwavering and filled with determination. "It's the first time someone has ever cared for me. I will protect her even if it costs me my life."

"Stop giving me those eyes," Cole grumbled, his mood shifting to anger. He retaliated by matching my hands with both of his feet, while Peter chimed in, "You know what, Peter? Let's teach him a lesson he won't forget."