Chapter 9

After hearing my defiant words, Cole and Peter responded with cruel laughter. They taunted me in unison, "You're really a fool, you know that? You couldn't even protect yourself, and now you think you can protect someone else."

"Yes, I can," I retorted, my voice unwavering and filled with determination. "It's the first time someone has ever cared for me. I will protect her even if it costs me my life."

"Stop giving me those eyes," Cole grumbled, his mood shifting to anger. He retaliated by matching my hands with both of his feet, while Peter chimed in, "You know what, Peter? Let's teach him a lesson he won't forget."

Peter kicked me in the stomach, and I groaned in pain. But he didn't stop there; instead, a sinister smile spread across his face as his kicks grew more intense, prompting me to shout and groan in agony.

Next, Cole seized my head and began a barrage of slaps on my face, causing blood to flow from my mouth. I screamed in pain, yet strangely, I didn't mind the beating. If enduring this meant I could protect someone who cared about me, it was a small price to pay.

"Isn't he enjoying this, too?" David asked Cole and Peter, his face alternating between boredom and anger.

"We're just getting started, David," Cole replied, a hint of fear in his expression. He turned to Peter, questioning, "Isn't that right, Peter?"

Peter nodded in agreement, his head moving up and down.

"Get up, pig," Cole commanded, lifting my head and pointing it toward the nurse. "If you don't comply right now, she'll suffer at our hands."

"Don't worry about me, Kazuma," the nurse attempted to reassure me, rushing toward my direction. Her words were abruptly silenced by David, who grabbed her with one hand and covered her mouth with the other, sternly commanding her to "Shut up."

David then turned back to me and prompted, "Go on, Cole."

"Thanks for taking care of the rat problem, boss," Cole acknowledged, turning to me and grinning maliciously. He then turned to Peter and inquired, "Where's that bottle can?"

"It's over here," Peter responded, reaching into his trousers to retrieve the can he'd stashed in his boxers. He extended it to Cole, who took it despite Peter's discomfort.

Cole began unzipping his trousers and placed the can below his waistline, commencing the act of urinating into the bottle can.

As the nurse muffled a scream due to David's hand covering her mouth, I turned to David, observing a wicked smile on his face. He remarked, "You're a genius, Cole. This is becoming quite interesting."

With the can filled with urine, Cole walked toward me, swinging it playfully and blowing a whistle, all while wearing a smile. Upon reaching me, he knelt down and asked, "Do you know what you're about to do now?"

Though I knew what he meant, I decided to shake my head and then nod my head left and right, indicating my refusal.

In response, Cole slapped my face, admonishing, "Don't pretend you don't know what I mean, pig." He extended the bottle can toward me and instructed, "Take it from my hands."

"Please, guys, please don't make me do it," I pleaded, extending my hands in a begging gesture.

"Shut up, pig," Peter retorted, simultaneously delivering a kick to my stomach. The pain caused me to groan and writhe on the floor, eventually leading to vomiting. Cole then grabbed me by the head and issued a warning: "You'd better drink all the urine from the bottle, or do you want the nurse over there to endure it?"

I indicated my refusal by shaking my head left and right, but Cole, undeterred, smiled and inched the water can closer to my face. The offensive smell of the water made me turn my face away.

Witnessing my resistance infuriated Cole, and he struck me on the face with his fist. Peter held my face firmly to prevent me from turning away.

Desperate to break free, I struggled, tears streaming down my face. Peter's grip grew tighter as he taunted, "You're not going anywhere, pig."

In that moment, I acknowledged my own weakness, tears flowing freely. I made the decision to sacrifice myself to protect someone else. Then, a liquid began dripping into my mouth. Raising my eyes, I saw the bottle can that Cole had just filled with water. Cole continued to pour it into my mouth, and as the water met my taste buds, an unbearable, bitter, and unpleasant taste overwhelmed me. I struggled not to swallow, as the taste and smell were both unbearable.

I tried my best not to swallow, but then I felt a massive blow to my stomach, and I involuntarily gulped down some of the water in my mouth, spilling the rest. The pain in my stomach became excruciating, reaching a point of unbearable agony, and I couldn't help but shout in pain.

"This idiot really drank from the bottle," I heard Cole say, laughing out loud.

"I never took Kazuma for a fool. Have some pride as a man," Peter added, also laughing heartily.

Their laughter was overshadowed by David, who laughed so loudly that he released his hands from the nurse's mouth and let go of his grip on her. Still laughing uncontrollably, he even started hitting the wall of the room and remarked, "Nice acting, Trish. I couldn't believe this fool actually drank water."

As I continued groaning in pain and clutching my stomach, David's comment about "nice acting, Trish" kept echoing in my mind. I couldn't help but wonder, "Who is Trish?" until I heard another loud laugh.

I turned and began vomiting intensely on the floor, desperately trying to clear my system of the urine i was just force to swallow.

"You really are a fool. Did you think someone would protect someone as useless as you?" the school nurse remarked. She then turned to David and said, "Baby, I did what you said. Will you take me back?"