Chapter 10

"You really are a fool. Did you think someone would protect someone as useless as you?" the school nurse remarked. She then turned to David and said, "Baby, I did what you said. Will you take me back?"

"You did your best, babe. Now, kiss me in front of the pig," David replied.

The school nurse rushed toward David and started kissing him intensely on his lips, declaring, "Baby, I love you so much. I don't want us to break up anymore. Please, baby, I'll do anything for you."

David then turned toward me, wearing a smile, and said, "You said you will do anything for me, right, Trish?"

"Yes, babe, I will do anything," Trish responded while nodding her head up and down.

David turned towards me and issued a commanding voice, "Go and urinate all over his body."

"Yes, babe, I will do anything you say," Trish affirmed as she began walking towards me.

I looked at her with confusion because I couldn't understand what was going on. How did the nurse who had just taken care of me, someone with a kind personality, change all of a sudden?

The moment she reached my position, she stopped right in front of me. I called her name, "Hey, nurse, what's going on? I don't understand what is happening right now. Didn't you promise me that you would protect me?" I said while crawling towards her and grabbing her legs.

She kicked my hands off her legs and used the shoe she was wearing to repeatedly stamp on my hands. I screamed in pain as she continued to stomp on my hands until she started gasping for breath. Then, she bent down on her knees and raised my head, saying, "I don't think you were this naive and foolish. Can't you take a hint?"

Trish raised her head, put one hand on her head, and let out a sigh, saying, "I played you, you fool. I only helped you because David ordered me to. Why would I waste my time helping a reject like you?"

Hearing her utter those offensive words to me and realizing how she had deceived me caused such intense pain that I couldn't control my emotions. I didn't even know what my feelings were, whether they were pushing me to cry or laugh.

It hurt me to the core, and I wished a hole would swallow me up right then and there. I had thought I had finally found someone who could protect me, but instead, I was betrayed by the same person I had opened my heart to.

I lay down on the floor, feeling like I had lost all reason to live. I kept cursing myself, regretting why I was born, and why I was so afraid to end my own life.

"You've really done it now, Trish. You've turned the situation into a disaster," said Cole as he walked towards her and touched her on the shoulder.

"Don't touch me. Don't you know I am David's property?" Trish retorted, giving Cole a warning expression.

"Tch bitch with an attitude ,can't wait till David dumps you like his other bitches" Cole murmured quietly.

"What did you just say? I couldn't hear you. Can you speak louder?" I asked Trish, my eyes narrowing in intensity. I knew deep down that he had just insulted her, but she chose to ignore it by responding with a question.

"Forget about it," Cole replied, turning his head away from her as he walked towards David's direction.

"Why are you wasting time, Trish? Aren't you going to do it?" David demanded, his voice filled with boredom and anger, his tone commanding.

"Sorry, honey, I had just completely forgotten. Let me do what you asked for, dear," I heard Trish say as she started undressing herself. She began by pulling off her doctor's coat and then removed the dress she had on underneath, leaving her in a black leather bra and seductive black panties.

She proceeded to sensually slide her panties downward, attempting to seduce David. However, David just let out a sigh of boredom, seemingly uninterested in her actions. This visibly frustrated Trish, causing her to hiss and turn her attention towards me, lying on the floor. She walked over to me and extended her legs.

I had just recovered from the shock caused by the nurse's offensive words toward me. I raised my head, and I could clearly see her black panties showing her pussy line that separated them, vividly displayed.

"What are you doing, nurse? Cover your panties, I can see them," I exclaimed, covering my eyes with both hands.

"Just be a good boy and stay still," Trish commanded.

Before I could utter a word in response, I felt water dripping all over my face. I raised my head and realized that the water dripping down my face was coming from Trish's pussy.

"This bitch really did it," said David while hitting Peter and Cole on their shoulders repeatedly while laughing out loud.

"Yes, boss, she really did it, piggy," said Cole and Peter simultaneously, their voices expressing the pain from being hit on their shoulders by David.

Trish turned towards David and said, "Babe, I have finally done what you asked for. Won't you take me back?" She said with a smile on her face.

David's expression changed from laughter to irritation and disgust as he said, "You do know I have a girlfriend, right? And you're too old for me, so I don't think we can ever be together."

"But you promised you would love me if I did what you said," Trish said while walking quickly towards David. After reaching him, she grabbed his shirt and began begging, "Please, baby, don't do this to me."

"Get off me, Trish," David said as he pushed her away. He turned towards the door and said, "Let's leave her alone to have some bonding time with piggy." Then, David, Cole, and Peter left.

I was still lying on the floor, drenched in urine, crying loudly, cursing myself for being weak. I began to hear someone crying, i turned to see they were coming from the nurse who had just deceived me, causing my world to crumble. Regret filled my heart for ever trusting anyone.

I stood up, walked past her, and headed home with my body smelling of urine, covered in wounds and sores, dragging one of my legs as I scraped it on the floor while walking home.

Author Note :

Hello, everyone. It's the author here. If you have any suggestions to help improve this chapter or anything you'd like to share, please leave a comment below. I will respond. Thank you all for reading my new book.