(25) Katlyn's condition

The glass door slid open automatically, letting Lucas and Syuzia enter. The rare fragrance of medicine and sanitizer wafted through the air, and the receptionist's eyes moved to Lucas carefully. 

"How might I help you sir?" 

"I came to visit a friend, she must be in room 3.8 and tell the manager that I want to talk with him," Lucas spoke with a sharp voice, which just made the girl sitting in the reception feel confused. 

"Please wait a second!" She began contacting the manager over the phone.

With a shaken mind, the receptionist forgot to even ask Lucas his name, making him roll his eyes. 

'And she didn't even ask if I had the permission of the patient's guardian to visit. I didn't expect my enchanting voice to be so effective.' Lucas rubbed his chin in wonder, waiting for the receptionist to finish speaking. 

And as expected, she turned to Lucas with an embarrassed look not long after. 


"It's Lucas Frenris." 

The moment the receptionist spoke of Lucas's name, visibly the atmosphere around the hall changed. 

"Please this way." The receptionist led Lucas to the top floor, maintaining her poker face. 

"About the visit...Have you asked for the permission of...."

"No need for you to care anymore, I will take care of it along with the manager." Lucas's cold voice reached her. 


Having completed her task, the receptionist moved back to her post, leaving Lucas and Syuzia behind a black wood door. 

Looking at Lucas walking in, the middle-aged man put down his pen and flashed a businessman smile. Though deep within his eyes, disgust was visible upon closer inspection.

The manager began speaking once Lucas sat at the table: "May I know the purpose of your visit here, Sir Lucas?" 

"I came to visit someone, Do I need to explain who it is now?" Lucas rested his chin on his wrist, unknown pressure was exerted from his body. 

The strength contained within his body was so dense that it created a transparent pressure around him.

"No, no, There is no need for that, I shall arrange it immediately. Please wait, I will order someone to lead the way." The manager was set on taking care of this matter by just saying that Lucas offered some gifts and left. 

Allowing one to meet a patient with no permission from the guardian was a crime. But the manager had no choice either, it was ordered from the top. He felt disgusted by Lucas, as he was aware of Katlyn's condition.

'Sigh...Why does he want to meet her? He could have just offered gifts and gone away...' As the manager saw Lucas exiting the room, he instructed the receptionist to block any visit to Katlyn's room. 

Following a nurse, Lucas soon reached a steel door with only two glass windows. The corridor before Lucas mostly contained the same door. 

Causing an eerie atmosphere to form around here. 

Lucas looked at the nurse, he could feel negative emotions directed at him from her. 

'My senses have grown acute, I can even perceive such small details. I guess she must be aware that I have something to do with the misfortune of Katlyn's.' Lucas ignored her, treating her like air. 

After the nurse had done leading the way, she hesitated for a second before leaving.

The steel door was open as it was controlled through an online system, the manager unlocked it for Lucas. Or else it would be impossible to enter for normal people. 


The steel door slid open automatically with a smooth motion. 

The interior was white, with little decorations here and there. It was not much different from any hospital room. 

Lucas gazed at the bed which had a single girl with dozens of bandages and syringes all over her body. 

[Name: Katlyn

Age: 18

Female lead aura: 45,980

Special ability: The one who overcomes — By defeating the one she deems as her enemy, she grows stronger. This talent awakened when she experienced an immense psychological breakdown.]

"Sounds like a simple talent..." Lucas commented. 

Though her face was hidden, just from her body, her original appearance could be perceived.

A monitor showed the full scan report of her body live, perfectly showing her condition. It was a device that didn't exist in Lucas's past life. 

Syuzia sat on the sofa while Lucas looked at the screen beside Katlyn's bed. 

'Her body's condition is not that bad. With the current era's medical means, almost all her injuries have been healed. The only part not treated is her face I guess...' Lucas moved to Katlyn taking leisure strides, treating the place as if it belonged to him. 

Katlyn's half face was covered in a tight bandage, with a rich medicine fragrance being released from it. 

'Her face was damaged using mana, directly disfiguring her face from the root. This must have played as proof that I and the other boys involved were innocent. Deforming other's bodies permanently using mana was only possible for A-rank hunters.' Lucas's eyes flashed with a little distaste. 

He had no idea whether the parents of those rich kids did this or the organization instigating this incident. 

'It's still sad that a beautiful face was destroyed in the process...' Lucas felt the familiar cruelty of the world, making him smile thinly. 

A normal potion can't heal Katlyn's face, only a high-grade or even apex grade, like A or A rank would be required to fix it. 

Her parents could of course not buy such a treasure even if they sold all their belongings. 

'This whole family is nothing but pitiful, it must be torture looking at their daughter like this. I won't be helping too, she will gain consciousness if her face was healed. The mana in her flesh is the reason for her coma, I will need to make some arrangements before doing anything.' 

Lucas had no youthful recklessness, he thought of a solution with a calm mind. He was very experienced in dealing with emotions thanks to his past life.

Suddenly, Lucas saw a strange red light rising, getting displayed on the screen, from the middle of Katlyn's face. Reading the word seizure rising from the corner of the screen, Lucas's eyes twitched. 

'Why right when I visited? Can she feel my presence?' Lucas didn't fiddle around or get nervous. 

'Even if they think that the seizure was due to me, what can they do?' Lucas's lips rose to a contemptuous smirk, having stable support, there were not many problems that could trouble him. 

"Ugh! Aghh...." A muffled grasp left Katlyn's mouth as pain spread through her body. 

Lucas's eyes turned golden with a flash, suddenly displaying the abnormal reaction of the foreign mana on Katlyn's face. 

'So that's the reason for her seizure, then this shouldn't be a rare incident. Someone will head in sooner or later.' Lucas felt satisfied that he still couldn't come up with a plan, but it was the end of this visit. 


[Understanding of foreign remnant mana characteristics: 1%]

'Ohh...the Discerning eyes are quite interesting. I can probably guess the identity of the culprit behind messing her face if I see him using mana again. My understanding of mana seems to be increasing too...' Lucas circulated mana to his eyes, using his discerning eyes to the fullest. 

After half a minute, suddenly a realization hit Lucas causing a smile to form on his face. 

[foreign remnant mana understanding: 11℅]

"huh?" A trail of blood fell from Lucas's nose. 

"Shit...." Lucas began cleaning the blood using tissue from above the table. 

'I overexerted myself, I almost used half of my mana in those 30 seconds. I got greedy... Fuck....I feel dizzy.' Lucas sat on the sofa and turned to Syuzia who worriedly walked over. 


"Stand outside and tell anyone who approaches to wait for a minute. Tell them that it's a direct order from the manager." Lucas seriously instructed Syuzia as a plan formed in his head. 

"Okay." Syuzia did as Lucas said after seeing his stable condition, with just a little nosebleed.