CHAPTER 3: Miss Red Is Gone

Chin left the subway while passing through the platform she threw away the letter with no expression on her face .Chin's obsession with the mysterious man from the subway deepened with each passing day, even though she hadn't encountered him again. She believed, with unwavering faith, that fate would bring them together at the same time, in the same place.

After taking her lectures,Elly asked Chin ,the reason behind her good mood when chin told her "today, I met the person on subway my mom used to tell me about ,but you know what is more amazing? he is a serial killer."

Elly blinked, processing this revelation. Then she chuckled, though there was a hint of seriousness in her eyes. "Chin, only a serial killer could live with you. But come on, it's just a strange encounter. Don't take it too seriously."

Chin replied with enthusiasm:" I don't think so it was a mere encounter.One day I'm gonna meet him again, if our faith is written."

Elly passed this topic with strange laughter saying :"you are not going to meet him Chin."

One day, chin went to meet Miss Red—her aunt. Miss Red had always been a mysterious figure in Chin's family. She was known for her eccentric love of the color red and her talent for painting everything in different shades of it. Despite her quirks, Chin had always felt a deep affection for her aunt, who was the only person other than Elly that she loved.

Miss Red place is like a second home for her.As soon as she entered her place , Miss Red hugged

her saying "I waited alot for you."When Chin said :" I missed you alot aunt, I think so you love your work more than you love me ,next time I will go with you to the exhibition so I can spend more time with you ".

Miss Red holds her hand, Come with me I have something for you.

Miss Red presented Chin with a unique painting—a breathtaking image composed of various shades of red, made from what looked like animal blood. Chin was captivated by the artwork. She asked Miss Red about its origin.

With an enigmatic smile, Miss Red revealed, "It's made from wolf's blood, my dear. A wolf that killed its own brother."

Chin was both intrigued and disturbed by the story behind the painting. Miss Red invited her to visit again in a few days, promising to have an even more amazing piece to show her.

Chin left her place with that scenery but she entered home empty handed . As she stepped into her house, she noticed her parents sitting at the dinner table, engrossed in a discussion about their business endeavors.

Noticing Chin's return, her mother glanced up and said casually, "Chin, Miss Red called a little while ago. She said she wanted to talk to you."

Chin's brow furrowed in confusion. "Miss Red called here? Why would she do that? I just left her place a few hours ago."

Her mother barely glanced her way, too absorbed in the business matters at hand.

As she entered her room and closed the window behind her, she was greeted by an eerie sight—a black envelope placed deliberately on her desk. Her heart began to race as she picked it up. Inside was a letter with words that sent shivers down her spine: "I went to hell to see you, but hell is empty, and all devils are here ,the last letter they left there was :"Red will change into something Black" , but why did you left her painting near the Parkview station,do you want it back?"

when she turned the letter ,there was a picture of her taken 10 minutes ago when she entered her house, when she looked back towards her room the window was again opened.

She felt a wave of dread wash over her. Who was sending these letters? And why did they seem to be connected to Miss Red?

She tried to call Miss Red's number, but there was no answer. Panic began to set in. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something sinister was unfolding around her, something that involved Miss Red and the enigmatic man from the subway.

With each passing moment, Chin's world seemed to spiral deeper into a web of mystery and danger, leaving her with more questions than answers.

(End of Chapter 3)