Chapter 22: Echoes of the Past

In the world of secrets and mysteries, where every revelation brings a new layer of complexity, our story takes us 21 years into the past. It was a time of innocence and trust, a time when Chin's mother played with her in their cozy home.

One day, a stranger entered their lives. Her mother introduced him as "Mister Kate" and explained that he would take care of Chin while she traveled to Korea for a few days. But young Chin, always seeking her mother's comfort, protested, "Mom, I want to come with you."

Her mother lovingly reassured her, bending down to kiss her forehead and wipe away the sweat from her face. She revealed, "Chin, Mister Kate used to visit you when you were just a baby. He's here to take care of you, and he's really good at playing the games you love."

Still, Chin couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive about this unfamiliar presence. After her mother left , she and Mister Kate grew familiar with each other in only few days, bonding over games in the backyard. One day, curiosity got the better of her, and she asked, "Uncle, do you know why Mom went to Korea?"

Mister Kate replied with a calm smile, "Your dad is always busy with his business, being a businessman. Your mom, on the other hand, is an architect, and her work takes her to different countries."

Chin, ever inquisitive, added, "My grandparents were Korean too.Do you know about that?"

Mister Kate nodded knowingly, "Yes, I know about that. Your mom and I are best friends."

As their rapport grew, Chin's excitement reached a peak as her birthday approached. She asked Mister Kate if her mom would be back in time for her special day. He assured her, "I think she'll be back by tomorrow. She's really excited about your birthday too."

Chin's joy was uncontainable, and she shouted with delight, "Yeyeyeyye!" It was clear that the prospect of her mother's return was the best gift she could ever ask for.

True to Mister Kate's words, Chin's mom returned home a day before her birthday. The moment she stepped through the door, Chin rushed into her arms, exclaiming, "Mom, I really missed you!"

Her mom hugged her tightly, tears glistening in her eyes. She whispered, "I missed you too." However, Chin noticed that her mom didn't have any gifts with her, and she asked in a disappointed tone, "Mom, you didn't bring my gifts?"

Her mom smiled gently and promised, "Chin, I'll give you your gifts tomorrow. But wait, I have a very precious gift for you. Go to your room, and I'll bring it there."

With curiosity piqued, Chin followed her mom into her room, where her mother sat down with a diary. She explained, "Chin, I've been writing in this diary for a few weeks now. I'll write the last page tonight, and then I'll give it to you. Read it when you grow up."

Chin, with her eyes on the diary's cover, asked eagerly, "Mom, have you written stories of fairies in this diary?"

Her mother laughed softly, "No, not yet. But I think when you grow older, you'll be like me, mature and serious. You might not like fairy tales then."

Chin, however, confidently declared, "Mom, I'll always love fairies. I can never get tired of them. And Dad promised to bring me some dolls."

Her mom revealed another surprise, "You know, your dad will also be here on your birthday. He's coming back from France tonight."

Chin's excitement soared, and she hugged her mom tightly. Her mom then shared the enchanting story of fairies until Chin drifted off to sleep.

But just before midnight, Chin was awakened by her mother's desperate cry: "Don't touch my daughter! I'll kill you!" A chilling voice replied, "I believe you can kill me, considering how many people you've killed. Tell me where the map is, or I'll kill your daughter."

Frightened, Chin cracked the door open and witnessed a horrifying truth. The man blackmailing her mother was none other than Mister Kate. She was about to rush to her mother's aid when she saw him pull out a gun:"This fire arm belongs to Devil—a Ruger LCR, to be exact. It carries only five rounds, which means your body must endure five separate instances of agony. But rest assured, I am proficient in its use, and your suffering will cease after the first , but before that I will kill your daughter."

He pointed the gun at Chin's mother, who knelt, crying, "No, okay! I'll tell you where the map is. It's in Korea, where my dad used to live. Now, tell Devil to leave my daughter and me alone."

With chilling calmness, Mister Kate responded, "Do you want to know who Devil is?" And then, a gunshot echoed through the night. Chin's mother lay lifeless on the floor, her tears the last thing to fall from her eyes.

Mister Kate left the gun behind and fled. Chin, overwhelmed by the horror she had just witnessed, was about to scream when a man and a woman appeared at her door. She didn't recognize their faces.

The man spoke to her gently, "Hey, little girl, listen carefully. Take this gun with you to your room and don't come out until morning. Act like you haven't seen anything. If you do, we'll kill your dad as well. Wait for us; we'll take you with us in a few days. We'll be your new parents."

Terrified, Chin followed their instructions, hiding under her bed as they had told her. When morning came, the police arrived, but the scene was declared a suicide based on a letter her mother had supposedly left behind. No one noticed that there was no gun at the crime scene.

Chin remained silent, too shocked to speak. But then came the devastating news of her father's death, leaving her utterly shattered.

Back in her apartment, Chin was jolted awake by a recurring nightmare – the incident from 21 years ago. She was drenched in sweat, struggling to catch her breath.In the quiet solitude of her apartment, Chin retrieved the diary her mother had entrusted to her. It had remained untouched, a testament to the memories she couldn't bear to confront. But now, compelled by an unshakable longing for her mother, she opened it.

To her astonishment, the diary was nearly empty, save for two pages, the words etched in her mother's elegant handwriting, like echoes from the past:

9 June 2002. Sunday,

"In a few days, I'm going back to Korea. I think my daughter will miss me. But Kate has promised me that he will look after her, even though he must be tired. Right now, he is in Korea, but he will come back in a few days. I sometimes think to tell my daughter that I have this instinct I will not be able to live with her forever, but then I think it's too early to say such a thing. She has a little mind that can't bear such things. I want my daughter to live to the fullest. I want her to be pure, her soul as pristine as that of angels. I can't explain to her how much I love her.

When I was young, I used to think I had dementia because I was never able to remember the stations I had to go to. I used to get on trains or buses that were not for the places I wanted to visit. I was very poor at learning new paths. I was never able to smile without any reason. I was never able to play in the mud, jump in the water that gathered in the pits in the garden after rain. But after Chin came into my life, I got everything I ever wished for. My memory has improved a lot as well. Now, I remember her birthday. I remember the dates on which she celebrates the birthdays of her dolls. I remember all the places and all the buses that lead to her favorite amusement parks. I can now smile and laugh without any reason. I can play in the mud and rain. I'm actually obsessed with her now. I can't imagine a day without her.

Right now, she is sleeping. I wish to God that the angel of death may take my soul when she is sleeping because I never want to die in front of my daughter's eyes."

Chin's heart raced as she read her mother's innermost thoughts. The weight of her mother's love bore down on her, tears falling like gentle rain upon the diary's pages. She closed the diary, unable to continue, and placed it back in the cupboard, her thoughts were interrupted by the unexpected arrival of a letter and a bouquet of black roses. The letter held an ominous message,this was the firs letter she received from devil,a stark reminder of the perilous path she was now treading.

"Taewoo's countdown has started. Find the map to save him. Hope to meet you soon."

Without hesitation, Chin reached for her phone, her voice unsteady yet resolute as she called Taewoo. Her words hung heavy in the air, sealing their fate:

"Can you help me in finding the map? I want to meet my mom as soon as possible."

In the tense silence that followed, Taewoo's response was like the final piece of a puzzle falling into place. Their destinies were intertwined, and there was no turning back.Finally, Taewoo's voice broke through, unwavering. "You want me to team up with you?"