Chapter 23: Weight Of Souls

Chin walked into an office with an atmosphere of calm professionalism. A woman sat behind a desk, a white coat hanging nearby. She welcomed Chin with a warm but inquisitive look, taking a sip of her coffee. It was evident she was a psychiatrist.

Chin took a seat, displaying an unusual comfort with the woman. The desk bore the name "Mrs. Jack Helim." She spoke in a gentle tone, "Welcome, Miss Chin. It's good to see you again. I've heard about the recent events in your life."

Chin hesitated before responding, "You don't know the whole story."

Mrs. Jack leaned in, showing interest, "Don't tell me you did something I specifically advised against?"

Chin sighed, tears welling up. It was as if she had been carrying a heavy burden for too long and finally found someone to confide in:"I've taken the lives of Mr. Kate and my foster parents." Mrs. Jack, growing impatient, got up and held her head in frustration, "Chin, what have you done? Does anyone know about this? Friends, family, the person you care about?"

Chin shook her head, tears streaming down her face, "No, only you and the one who leaves black roses near the crime scenes."

Mrs. Jack approached with concern, "Who is this person? Do you know them?"

Chin, with teary eyes, admitted, "I don't. But after each crime, the police find a black rose. It's never me."

Mrs. Jack pondered, "It could be Devil, as you've told me before. The one who leaves black roses is often associated with Devil's actions. Is this person the Devil?"

Chin, still crying, replied, "I can't be sure."

For nearly an hour, a heavy silence enveloped the room as both women were lost in their thoughts. Eventually, Mrs. Jack broke the silence, her voice reflecting deep concern. "Did you find the peace you sought? Wait, I forgot, you believed that eliminating Devil would grant you peace. But these individuals had connections to Devil as well. Did you find the peace you were looking for?"

Chin, struggling with her emotions, didn't answer immediately. Mrs. Jack, impatient now, grabbed her arms and raised her voice, "Tell me, did you find peace? Why did you act against my advice that forgiveness is the most powerful revenge?"

Chin, amid sobs, explained, "For a few days, I couldn't sleep. When I killed my foster parents, I did what they had done when Kate took my mother's life. It's true; I didn't find the peace I sought. I won't let them find peace either. I didn't commit a crime; I merely administered justice where the law failed. They had committed numerous crimes and taken countless lives, all without facing consequences. I decided to hold them accountable."

Mrs. Jack then asked about the lawyer helping her, "What about the lawyer? You killed his father. What will happen when he learns Devil didn't kill his father – you did? He might seek revenge."

Chin explained, "His father assigned him the task of studying my case to find the map. Mark believes himself to be clever, but sometimes, one's perception of their intelligence betray them when they stand alone. Trapped in a web where those around you plot against you, even the sharpest minds can falter. Mark lost his composure when he delved into my mother's case. Now he's pursuing Devil, convinced that Devil murdered his father. He's been manipulated to the point where he rejects any hint that suggests that devil is not the murderer. Everyone is entangled in their quests for revenge, often lacking a clear direction."

Mrs. Jack then asked about the man Chin cared for, "And what about the man you like? What happens if he discovers the truth about you? What's your plan?"

Chin, with a heavy heart, revealed, "I met him too late in life, when I had little left to lose. I might lose my life now, but I don't mind. What matters is how well I can hide the truth from him until I meet my end. I don't want him to resent me in my presence. After my death, I hope to reunite with my mother. If he resents me then, it will be less painful as I'll share my burden with her. But the challenge is that not to just hide the fact that i killed three people but also the fact that his parents, along with others in that agency, were killed by my mother."

Mrs. Jack, overwhelmed by the complexities, slumped back into her chair. She held her head, breathing heavily, overcome with frustration. "Chin, you've created a web of complications. Sometimes, I fear death might be your only way out. Once the truth is revealed, everyone will turn against you, viewing you as the Devil. Honestly, I worry for your life more than Devil's."

Chin, her soul burdened, said through her tears, "Sometimes, I feel my soul is as light as a feather, yet it carries the weight of the world's fears. I wish I could find Devil soon and bring an end to all of this."

In the tranquil forest home, the old man and another gentleman shared a moment over cups of coffee. The old man broke the silence, with a suggestion, "I believe it's time for you to take matters into your own hands and end her life. She places great trust in you."

The man seated beside him responded with a sly smile, "Now, it's my turn to join the game. We can't conclude this so easily. I'll kill her with her own hands. Just wait and witness."

Their ominous laughter was suddenly interrupted by the appearance of the very girl who frequently visited the old man's abode. She gazed at the man seated next to the old man and remarked with a sardonic grin, "So, it seems we're on the same side now. I once believed you were different, but you're just like us. By the way, welcome to the winning side."