Chapter no 32: Foes And Friends.

As soon as the call ended, Taewoo tried to contact Chin, but the number was turned off. Now, Taewoo was even more worried about Chin because he didn't know how they were going to punish her for this act. With trembling hands, Taewoo called someone, and in a shrill voice, he said, "I'm sending you a number; find out the location of the place from where this call was placed. Respond to me in 15 minutes." After saying that, Taewoo ended the call.

On the other hand, the man in the mask caught Chin, slapped her furiously on her face, and said, "Do you think I'm stupid, Chin? I spent a great part of my life with you, and no one better than me knows what you are up to. The way you spoke to me right now, I knew that you were up to something." Chin, trying to muster up her strength, started laughing while blood was still dripping from her unhealed wounds. "Alex, you know when I cried the most. Now you will say at my mother's death, but no. I cried when that fake Alex gave me your fake letter, saying that you love me, that you wanted me not to take revenge. When I read that, I cried. When I came to know that you were dead, I cried like hell. But you know what, that's a curse too. I always got betrayed by the people I loved the most in my life. But I just want to ask you one thing: Why did you do that to me?" Hearing this, the man removed his mask, and he was none other than Chin's childhood friend, Alex. He looked at her with cold eyes and said, "Chin, you were lucky. You were born in a rich family. After the death of your mother, a rich family adopted you. You grew up with a fire of revenge, whereas everything around you was like heaven. The person who is at fault is you, yourself. You made your life hell. You were stubborn. The state in which you are now is just because of your revenge, and if Devil was a bad person because he killed others, then what difference do you make? You also killed people, and more brutally than Devil. Just because of this revenge, no one is with you, and the people who are with you right now will soon leave you after knowing your reality." Chin stood up, taking support from the wall, and said, "That's not the answer to my question. I never asked you why everyone is doing wrong with me. I'm just asking why you did that to me. Just answer me that. Was it money? Was it jealousy?" At which Alex interrupted, "Actually, Chin, I was never loyal to you. When we were in the orphanage, the only person I hated the most was you. Looking at your face always made me think about my mom, who was killed that day in Korea by your mom. My mom was an architect, and you know a fun fact: I was in England, waiting for my mom to come back. The orphanage where you were living was established by my mom. She was a very nice lady. She told me that she had a business in Korea, and as you told me that you were waiting for your mom to return to England, I was also waiting for my mom. At least you were able to see her for the last time. I wasn't even able to see my mom for one last time. This is the way how my sister and I suffered. All of our family was lost just because of your mother, and still you think your mother was innocent. And that fake Alex, I asked him to meet you instead of me and to make up a fake story if he got caught. And you want to know the reason why I sent him instead of me? Because Devil was forcing me to meet you to find the place where the map was, but I never wanted the map. I just wanted to see you suffer. But at the same time, I didn't want to see your face. It annoys me. Your eyes make me suffocate. I just want to see you end in pain, in misery. At which Chin, trying to fight against her pain again, passes a smile: Your sister? You never told me about her. Does she hate me the same way you hate me, or if she hates me more?" Alex wiped the sweat from his face and looked at Chin directly into her eyes: "She is close to you, very close. But unfortunately, you lost the difference between your foes and friends many years ago. Although you are smart, you were never able to find out who was with you and who was against you. And she hates you more than how you hate Devil. Till this day, you are alive because of Devil, because he wanted the map. Otherwise, the families of the victims who were killed by your mom would have killed you long ago."Before Alex could end his conversation, there was a sound of a loud gunshot from the back. Before Chin could grasp what was happening, blood poured from the forehead of Alex and he fell down right in front of her. A man wearing black tracksuit was standing behind him and addressed Chin, "Mark sent me here to help you. You have to leave this place with me, or they will kill you."