Survival plan against shadow spectre

"The small white part of the laptop had shown me my death harbinger.

The creature, as though a cloak of darkness, its whole body was shrouded in darkness, with deep green eyes in its bony face that looked bizarre to the highest order.

Seeing the creature, I almost wanted to jump up in shock and scream in fear. But I tried my best to compose myself, for I didn't want the Shadow Spectre to know that I had realized it was with me.

After all, I wasn't ready to die. My heart was pounding wildly, but I tried my best to control it, focusing on my laptop screen better than ever with the thought of reducing the suspicions the creature would have had.

Since it is known that the Shadow Spectre are intelligent creatures apart from being cocky and arrogant, just as what was happening right now.

If it was another creature, I would be dead already. I couldn't help but thank my stars that the Shadow Spectres are arrogant and cocky.

Well, it wouldn't have even believed that I could have noticed it, and indeed, I wasn't the one who noticed it, but my laptop did.

But I knew I hadn't escaped from death; I could literally die at any point in time, which I wouldn't want to happen.

My brain raced, racing for various solutions. Without even knowing, sweat perspiration could be seen on my forehead as it dropped onto my trousers. Even with the air conditioner being on, although only at a moderate level, I was still able to sweat.

One could see how suffocating such a situation was, a situation whereby you could be killed at any point in time.

No one would really love or ever want to be in such a situation, but here I was, facing the deadliest one. Words couldn't be used to describe how nervous and afraid I was feeling, but I tried my best to the best of my ability, to my absolute limit to stop myself from displaying such emotions or from being too obvious.

Could it be that he found out about me? The Shadow Spectre thought. Impossible, that isn't possible, not to talk of a mere level one human.

Even a level 5 human wouldn't be able to find me, the Shadow Spectre thought as it was filled with immense confidence in its stealth attributes and ability.

Maybe the human is just scared because of the news he is watching, but anyway whichever one it is. No matter what the kid does, without a doubt as long as he turns back, he would be without a doubt, a goner. The Shadow Spectre thought as it stood there, with an expression as though everything was in its control.

Various thoughts and ideas wandered in my mind, but none seemed plausible for such an occasion. Faster, faster. Think faster. I murmured, trying to get my brain to think faster as I focused on the laptop screen absentmindedly, with only the thoughts of how to escape death flying and spiraling around in my head. 'System, Emergency. Currently in a dangerous situation. What level is the grotesque creature at?'

I asked the system, hoping for an answer.

And indeed, as I expected, well more accurately, as I had hoped for, the system replied. 'The level identification has been activated. Right now, since it is currently only at level 1, you can see the attributes of anyone 10 levels above you,' the system replied. 'As for how to see the level of the creature, you can do that by concentrating on the creature's head, or you can give the system your core to get the entire attribute of the creature.'

Upon some thought, after I had tried to look at the level of the Shadow Spectre from the white side of the laptop, I realized that it wasn't possible.

It is as though the level of the creature couldn't be found out by the creations of Earth. And since I couldn't possibly turn back, as I knew the moment I turned back would be my moment of death, and I wasn't yet ready to die.

Taking an in-depth breath, I released the pent-up air that had existed within me for that period of time. 'Take the core,' I said decisively.

Indeed, although it is true that the core can make me stronger, if I couldn't even save myself and escape death in such a situation as of the current, then what chance do I have to become stronger? What chance of survival do I have? Do I really have a chance of survival? Of course not.

As I had said before, in this current world, in the apocalyptic era, the most important thing as to survive is a word. A simple word: Information.

As long as I could estimate the strength attributes of the Shadow Spectre, I had a chance to beat it. If I didn't even know its level and then I rushed to attack it, even a fool wouldn't do that, for that had been the same thing as courting death.

The core has been taken. Attributes stats have been revealed. Level 3. Race: Shadow Spectre. Mental Attributes: - Focus: 3.8 - Resilience: 2.9 - Adaptability: 3.1 - Emotional Control: 2.0 - Strategic Thinking: 1.9 - Awareness: 3.9 - Confidence: 3.9 Physical Attributes: - Strength: 2.3 - Speed: 3.9 - Power: 2.7 - Endurance: 1.9 - Flexibility: 3.8 - Balance: 3.5 - Coordination: 3.9 - Reaction Time: 2.0 Sub or Hidden Attributes: - Stealth: Level 6 - Can hide its presence from anyone lower than level 6.

It can't be found out by anyone or any creature lower than level 6. I see, so that is why it would be so cocky, I thought as I saw the attributes of the Shadow Spectre.

I also realized that the features of someone could be lower than their levels or even be higher; it all depended on the creature itself, and you can't even be sure of this unless you confirm it yourself.

So the level identification ability could be said to only be usable or useful for a brief identification of the adversary.

But in case of some special existence as lucky individuals, although rare, they still existed those who had a little bit more attributes than their level can accommodate.

So it all depended on fate, and my survival right now had only one chance with no room for failure. I thought as I prepared my survival plan into action, ready to take action."