Shadow Spectre: Never Underestimate anyone!

Calming my self down.

I calmed my heartbeat and pace to Its bearest minimum level.

I stopped myself from beating so hard, fast as if I wanted to go and fight a war with Goliath.

And since I wasn't fighting with Goliath, and even if I was indeed fighting with the fabled and revered Goliath.

Why do I have to be scared.

I can do this. I can do this. Why do I have to be scared of such a small creature? Something that I can beat with a wave of my hand.

I thought various kinds of impossible thoughts and possible but unique thoughts, possible to ease myself from nervousness. It isn't really that hard, as the coach says: "Anytime you encounter a bad or dangerous situation or you are in an unfavorable position, just remember to take a deep breath and release.

In simple terms, just breathe in and breathe out. It is not hard to accomplish," I comforted myself.

Taking a deep breath, an intense breath was released as I tried to stop myself from being nervous and scared.

Who wouldn't want to be alive? Who wouldn't want to witness the scorching sun every day? Who wouldn't want to live and walk every day on the soil of Earth? Who would want to die just before accomplishing anything, even after accomplishing many things? No one would truly be willing to die.

So, well, I couldn't be blamed for being nervous or scared; after all, no one wanted to die, and I don't think I would be the exception to such a simple but unique fact.

Bending my head a little bit, with my hands under my shirt as though I was trying to clean the sweat on my face with my T-shirt, I knew the Shadow Spectre had suspicions, but it wouldn't accept that I could have found out about its existence.

It still wanted to see the look of fear, horror, and surprise on my face as it kills me. It still wanted to feel the crazy excitement of destroying an ant's life in the most notable way.

Silently staying behind the prey, without being noticed, then they rest upon some time or without even wasting time, turns around only to have their necks held as they go on their journey to meet the lord of hell.

So without a doubt, anyone would be scared and afraid of such a situation. It's just like being alone in your room and suddenly turning back to find nothing but a smooth, precise cut on your throat.

As your life force fades away, the look on your face would be that of disbelief, shock, and surprise. You wouldn't even know how you had died, except for the cloak of darkness and green eyes to show that you indeed had an assailant at your moment of death.

But of course, I wouldn't allow such a thing to happen.

As soon as I had gotten hold of the lighter, a smile appeared on my face, but I didn't dare heave a sigh of relief, for I knew I had only accomplished the first stage of my plan.

With a swift retrieval of my head from under my T-shirt, enabling me to see my muscle-built abs, I didn't have time to admire them.

I acted as though I wanted to move the cursor of the laptop and then placed my two hands towards the back of the laptop as though I was finding something.

Without being told, I lit the lighter, and as it came into direct contact with my laptop's charging point and other important places of the laptop, I dropped the lighter, and it burst into flames, burning the laptop.

As soon as I completed the second stage, the third phase began. "3, 2, 1," I murmured in an almost impossible-to-hear tone.

With a swift and precise movement of my wrist, I threw the laptop over my head with the lighter accompanying it. Lit, I shouted out anxiously. And just as I had expected, the laptop caught fire in a split second, and before the Shadow Spectre could react to the laptop, it barely managed to react, but dodging such an unpredictable and unexpected move at such a close range was impossible, not only the cocky Shadow Spectre.

Even other creatures wouldn't have stood a chance.

"Boom!" The laptop exploded with a loud sound, and I jumped under the chair, covering my body with the desk and chair I was sitting on.

Even with that, the explosion affected me, with most of it taken by the chair and table. The remaining energy contained in the explosion was more than enough to send me flying with my back landing harshly on the northern side of the room, with a loud bang.

My back collided with the wall with astonishing repulsive force, and blood trickled out of my mouth, a smile appearing on my face.

Looking at the Shadow Spectre that lay on the ground, I couldn't help but cry out in joy. If it hadn't been for the cocky and arrogant Shadow Spectre, I would likely be in hell right now.

After all, if the Shadow Spectre hadn't underestimated me or looked at me with eyes filled with disdain, which I wouldn't blame it for, I would be in a different situation.

But at the same time, without being vigilant, one would surely face death.

Seeing how the Shadow Spectre suffered for its arrogance, which it couldn't be blamed for, I realized that logic and attributes alone don't determine everything. Apart from attributes, there are also hidden or sub-attributes.

One thing was for sure, although strength was important, one can't claim to be the strongest. So, you have to strive to be more vigilant and have a great means of information.

That's why I've decided to always make sure that I never underestimate anyone, no matter how small or big they are.

With this thought in mind, my eyes slowly closed as my view faded away.