Shadow Spectre: Why hadn't it killed the creatures outside?

Gulp! Wheew.

Finally, the Shadow Spectre's core had landed in my stomach.

The sound I expected was heard.

"Ping, you have consumed a level 3 Shadow Spectre Core. You have leveled up to level 2. You have gained 1 agility point. You have gained the sub/hidden attribute. Stealth: Level 6," the system said.

"It seems that the system possessed by me is indeed different from the ones possessed by others," I thought, as I could feel that I had grown far stronger and possessed more strength. At least I had more than enough strength to decapitate my former self. Thinking about this, I was quite surprised. Could it be that I am not thinking too much? I had to clarify my doubts.

"System, open my status," I told the system.

= Status=

Name: Aven Alexandra.

Race: Human.

Mental Attributes

* Focus: 2.6

* Resilience: 3.0

* Adaptability: 3.1

* Emotional Control: 2.9

* Strategic Thinking: 3.3

* Awareness: 3.1

* Confidence: 2.9

Physical Attributes

* Strength: 3.0

* Power: 2.1

* Endurance: 3.3

* Flexibility: 4.1

* Agility: 3.1

* Balance: 3.0

* Coordination: 3.3

* Reaction Time: 3.2

Hidden/ Sub Attributes: Stealth: Level 6. Able to stay hidden and unnoticed by any creature lesser than the 6th level.

Seeing this variety of status and increase in strength, I was quite surprised. "How was that possible?" I thought. Logically, when I leveled up by a level, I was supposed to gain an additional status, but right now I could see that most of my status, or even all my status, had surpassed the expected or accountable range of a level 2 creature.

I racked my brain, trying to find out the reason behind this increase in strength, for I knew asking the system would result in nothing but silence. The system would only reply during dangerous or emergency incidents. I really wished to slap the face of the system and smack it better than ever, but I knew I couldn't do that. So, I was left with no choice but to find out for myself.

Breaths of time passed by. "Click, yes, yes, that is it," I said as I lightly tapped on the wooden door close to me, as realization had dawned on me. The only reason that could give rise to such a situation is if the increase in my attributes isn't fixed. I can gain more than what I am supposed to get. A smile had appeared on my face; it seems that I was indeed right. "You are a unique system," I murmured. "No wonder you were so arrogant," I said, as I didn't care if the system replied or not. And of course, as expected, the system never replied.

"Hiss, who cares anyways. Now I have gotten you, and I will surely get stronger, and I will make sure I, Alex Alexander, survive at all costs," I declared. But first of all, I still had to find the reason behind this incident. I already knew that it isn't fixed, and the attributes can improve in other ways, apart from leveling up and adding attributes. And if I am indeed sure with my hypothesis, then without a doubt, the only way that could happen would be that the attributes could be gained by performing or displaying the according level of attributes, which also means that it can be gained by consistent use of my ability. With this, I am more certain of this hypothesis, no, rather this fact.

"The more proficient I am with the attribute, the higher my status would be. And there could also be other reasons, like that is the ability of the system. But at least I had a clue of how to go about with these attributes of mine," I thought, as I already had a plan in mind. To level up my stealth attribute. With the usage of my stealth attribute, I will have more chance of survival and can get stronger easily and faster. A sly smile appeared on my face. But before doing that, I had to reach a sufficient enough level before daring to do such a thing. I was sure that there should be other creatures, most likely the grotesque species, at the front of my living room. But they weren't able to make way for my room since it was locked. "Fools, want to kill me, dey play," as though I would give you a chance to do that, I murmured to myself, as a comfortable smile appeared on my face. It seems that as it seems, I will, without a doubt, begin talking to myself in the future. Well, at least no one would regard me as a madman.

I decided to clear this thought out of my mind and suddenly or abruptly remembered about the Shadow Spectre. The Shadow Spectre should have seen the creatures before it entered my room, or more appropriate to say, before it phased through my house walls proceeding to my computer room. So why hadn't the Shadow Spectre killed the creatures it found outside? It should also be able to get stronger by killing them, right? Or is it that there aren't any creatures outside? I doubted that. In the Apocalyptic Era, such a situation would be almost impossible to find. Or are there really no creatures outside? I asked myself, with no one but myself to answer my confused situation.

Or could it be... maybe it is because of its cocky nature. Well, that is indeed plausible, I murmured as I decided to clear away such thoughts from my mind. The Shadow Spectre not killing them was still beneficial to me, so I didn't want to disturb myself too much on why the Shadow Spectre hadn't killed them. That was the same thing as foolishness and stupidity.

"System, add the 1 free agility point to my attribute." "1 free agility point has been added to your attribute: Agility. You currently have 4.1 points of the Agility Attribute," the system voice resounded in my ears.