Mysterious Owner.

Still in stealth mode, I continued my rain of assaults, but I could see that continuing any further would be stupidity, since I couldn't even cause any damage to the creature's skin. Trying to kill it was nothing but a mere fantasy of mine. I would be indulging in fantasy to have such thoughts. With a swift movement, I reappeared 3 feet away from the creature's assault area of 3 feet range. I managed to avoid the last swipe of its claws. As a sharp gale of wind brushed past my face.

"Whew, that was close," I said as I made my way to my collection room. For if I remember correctly, I almost wasted a quarter of my wealth, a staggering sum of 1 billion dollars. As for how a teenager like me could get such a high amount of money, as I have said before and will still say, "This kid is a talented sportsman, the best and most talented sportsman that had ever been seen on Earth's surface." Well, according to World News, I am indeed the most talented with various achievements attained by me.

And this dagger was also gifted by the World News and wasn't really bought. But I am indeed rich enough to buy it, but I wasn't allowed to buy it, as it was said that the mysterious owner of the World News hadn't allowed for me to make any payment of such. And only requested for a favor of mine in the future. Although I did insist on paying, it wasn't accepted. And since I was a youth, well, literally a teenager, I had accepted to take this super amazing cyan azure dagger that looked so mesmerizing and sharp to the extent that it could perfectly reflect your appearance on it and to get such a treasure for nothing more than a favor of mine.

That was more than a bargain. So I didn't really think too much about it, since I wasn't the only person that had been told so. But without a doubt, everyone who owed the mysterious owner a favor were all young talented youths of Earth. This added to my suspicions about the mysterious owner of the World News. As he seemed to be shrouded in mysteries, as though a lord of mystery. Clearing all these thoughts as I made way for the collections room.

Entering my collections room, I couldn't help but have flashbacks. Seeing the various medals that had been earned by me. Seeing the various treasures that had been kept in Azure boxes. I couldn't help but release a light smile. For all this had been earned through nothing but my sweat and hard work. I walked to the center of my collections room. There laid a Cyan Azure box. I knew that the dagger had been kept there since it was too dangerous. It was really too sharp. I remembered the last time I made use of it, it had easily cut through metal as easily as a hot knife cutting through butter.

Opening the box, a cyan azure glow lit the room. The dagger also had its own special sheath. Made me wonder, who the mysterious owner of the World News is. Dropping such thoughts out of my mind, for I knew that no matter what I thought of, I wouldn't be able to know who the mysterious person is. Opening the sheath, the bright radiance and illuminating cyan azure light almost blinded me. Before slowly fading away, leaving behind a dazzling cyan azure dagger. The dagger was indeed as sharp and smooth as ever, I murmured as the dagger reflected my good-looking face in it.

But I didn't have time to fantasize or hype myself, for I knew that although the zombie creature or whatever it was couldn't find me, I wouldn't have any peace of mind with it in my room. After all, I can't always be in stealth mode. As I made my way to the living room to end the creature, I suddenly had an idea. As realization dawned on me, ownership, yes ownership. I should be able to do that. It should be possible, I thought as I made my way to cut myself with the dagger. And I surely made sure to be careful. After all, I wouldn't want my hands to be cut off. The dagger was that sharp; it could literally cut through almost anything.

And for him to be fingerless or handleless, even during the normal period of Earth, that wouldn't have been considered a good thing, and would instead be a sorrowful and displeasing event or occasion. Not to talk of the Apocalyptic Era, where you fought for your life at every point in time. Without fingers, you might as well resign yourself to fate, I thought. I decided to remove all these distracting thoughts. A swift and careful movement occurred. Swiss, puchi. The dagger moved and blood streamed it. The blood from my finger had drops of blood dripping onto the dagger.

And as I had expected, the dagger had absorbed all the drops of blood without any struggle. I merely shook my head at this, for I knew that I would even see stranger scenes in the future. "You have gained the ownership of a mythical growth-grade dagger, Ethereal Wraithblade. New function is unlocked. Weapon master growth. For every level your weapon advances, it depends on the level that had been advanced to. You will receive a free point that can be added to any status of your wish."

"Shit, this dagger is that special. So strong, then who exactly is the mysterious owner of World News?" I thought as the veil that shrouded the mysterious owner seemed to become even more misty. The mysterious owner had now become an enigma. Who was the mysterious owner? How could he possess such a weapon? Why would he give out such a weapon? How did he know about the apocalyptic era before it even started? And last but not the least. What type of favor could we give to such a mysterious person? What favor would such a figure want from young talents? I was filled with various thoughts of confusion as the mysterious owner had now become an enigma in my heart.