Great Determination!

Or could it be that the mysterious owner knew about all this before it even happened? Or is the mysterious owner part of the people of the one who had caused the arrival of the Apocalyptic Era? As various thoughts swirled in my mind, even I myself was beginning to feel dizzy with such thoughts that were being formed in my mind. Why must I disturb myself over a mysterious owner? He gave me a dagger, and I owe him one favor. Simple, I said. As I decided to clear the mysterious owner away from my mind, as I knew that racking my brain against such a mystery was nothing but disturbing myself. And I would just end up frustrating myself. I decided to take in the belief and saying that says, "Let Nature take its course." So I will leave the future happenings for nature to handle, and I will handle the present.

I used this to calm myself. After all, who would be filled with suspiciousness when involved with such a mysterious person?

"System, System. Show me the Ethereal Wraithblade Status," I shouted within my mind.

Ethereal Wraith Blade Status:

Name: Ethereal Wraith Blade.

Race: Mythical Wraith Race.

Level: Level 1.

Power: 5.0.

Speed: 5.0.

Resilience: 5.0.

Unlocked Hidden Attributes:

1. Aurora's Edge: This attribute refers to the radiant beauty of the Ethereal Wraith Blade, akin to the swirling colors of an Aurora, while acknowledging its deadly potential and burgeoning power it gains.

2. Evolving Blade: It signifies its ability to evolve or level up with every kill made by it; corresponding to the adversary's level will determine the increase in level or evolution attained.

3. Ethereal Wraith: Conjuring an image of a ghostly and ethereal presence, this alludes to the dagger's hauntingly beautiful appearance and the phantom-like strength it gains with each kill, granting its master an otherworldly mystique.

As expected of a weapon termed mythical, just its stats alone were enough to leave any weapon of its level in the dust, not to mention even more incredible, almost unbelievable hidden attributes. Since the system noted that these were only the unlocked attributes, doesn't that mean there are even more hidden attributes locked away? I wonder how powerful they are, I murmured, as I was lost in the thought of the level of power assessed by the unlocked hidden attributes.

"System, show me the locked hidden attributes," I asked the system. No replies, just as I had expected. Since it hadn't talked about it in the hidden attributes section, that meant that it didn't want to tell me. I just decided to test my luck, who knows my luck might just shine. But it seems that my luck was quite bad, for I had failed greatly. An evil grin appeared on my face.

"Unknown creature, your time of death has arrived," I murmured, as I made my way to the living room where the zombie-like creature was displaying its madness. "Stealth mode - activate," I said, as I moved as fast as a gust of wind but as silently as the presence of one's shadow. I had appeared in front of the creature who was still making its weird noise, looking for me up and down.

"Take this," I did two front flips and had arrived on top of the creature, descending forth I wanted my blade downward. The zombie-like creature raised its hands up, although it didn't see the dagger, it could still feel that the danger it was feeling was coming from on top of its head. Although stupid and senseless, it had relied on nothing but its incredible instincts to anticipate the arrival of the dagger. But of course, how could its hands be equal to the sharpness of the Ethereal Wraith Blade?

"Puchi," without a doubt, its hands had been cut off. "Kgrrh," the zombie-like creature, even though losing both of its hands, still thrust forward with its teeth side open, as though upon reaching me, it would clamp me down on those ferocious jaws of its. But of course, I couldn't allow this to happen, with a sidestep I dodged the assault of the zombie-like creature, as I twisted my hand in a left arc manner, aiming for the throat of the zombie-like creature. "Puchi," dark green blood flowed out from its throat, and just as I had expected, the zombie-like creature had the dagger piercing its throat.

Should I move one step further, its neck would surely be cut off. But as though its instincts had warned it of such danger. It kicked out with immense force capable of incapacitating any level 4 creature. The strength contained in that strike was enough to decimate any level 4, meaning it was at level 5. I knew without a doubt, should that kick touch me I would without a doubt be sent to hell's gate.

The only choice I had was to retreat, but I wasn't willing to retreat. Such an opportunity, I knew that it would be tougher to get such an opportunity should the fight continue. Since the zombie-like creature would have entered a mad state where it didn't care for its life, although such a thing was senseless, but should any attack of the zombie-like creature touch me in such a state, then one thing was for certain, without a doubt, I would surely die.

"No, I can't let go of this opportunity," I shouted out in my mind. With great force applied to my feet, I made a double front flip into the air as the kick brushed past the soles of my feet. I knew that this was the last and only opportunity that I had got. I clenched the Cyan Azure Blade in my hands, applying great force to it.

As I unleashed all the power possessed by my body, I murmured out. "Aurora's Edge - Activate." The Cyan Azure Ethereal Wraith Blade or dagger had struck down as it swirled with a blinding cyan azure light, "puchi." The zombie-like creature had its head split into two, but this didn't stop the dagger's assault as it made its way into splitting the zombie-like creature into two halves.

The intestines and inner organs of the zombie-like creature spurted out, as a large amount of dark green blood flowed out as though it was a dam, spewing out its water. "Bang," the zombie-like creature hit the ground with a great fall. I heaved a sigh of relief. The zombie was deader than dead, I thought as I collapsed on my knees. That was surely a heck of a battle. And I would have to be pulling such fights on a daily basis.

Thinking about this, I knew that my future life journey would surely be filled with dangers and hidden threats lurking in the shadows. But I only had one thought in mind. I had to survive, I had to survive at all costs. No matter what, I would live to see the end of this apocalyptic era, I said, as my eyes had turned red, as a grand determination lurked within the deepest part of my eyes.