Sylvester: Beyonder!

I also didn't know why I had given the dagger such a name. I didn't know why I had such thoughts. All I knew was that during my darkest times, this dazzling swirling dagger with the name Dark Aurora would be my source of light. "Dark Aurora," I murmured as my heart was filled with various complex emotions: joy, sadness, shock. All these various emotions just flooded my mind as though my mind had become a saturated point for them. The various thoughts glued my mind as though they had become the strongest adhesives the world held in it. And without a doubt, out of all the various emotions, the one that stunned me the most was that I was filled with shock and astonishment. I couldn't help but be left in shock and astonishment. Could the mysterious owner have anticipated the happening of such a thing? I couldn't believe it, but facts made it clear, and known that the mysterious owner had indeed anticipated it. The mysterious owner already knew that a day would come when we would need it, that is why he had given us as a source of hope. A companion, someone one can feel close to. Our greatest pal during the darkest times. Our remarkable source of hope. Thinking about this, I couldn't help but be filled with shock. I shuddered for a second. Who the hell is the mysterious owner? Why does he like to be viewed as an enigma? Why does he feel so mysterious, as though shrouded by an unfathomable fog? The mysterious owner was basically shrouded in haze. One couldn't even understand the motive behind all the actions of the mysterious owner. It feels as though the mysterious owner is helping us, but I knew better than ever that from all what I have seen and known so far. Then something was for certain and without doubt. The mysterious owner was surely not a kind man. Thinking about this mysterious owner, although filled with the ripples of the water for the mysteries employed by the mysterious owner, as due to the fact that I couldn't find any possible hidden objectives behind this. At the same time, I was still filled with reverence towards the mysterious owner. The ability to leave one with nothing but mysteries left untouched. We only had impossible and unsolvable missions to solve. I was filled with great respect towards such a man; I couldn't even be sure if he is even a man. The mysterious owner is certainly an enigma. The greatest enigma, and if a correct should be one of the greatest variables in the path to survival. I was lost in thought, as I roamed the thought's land. The mysterious owner just always happens to have one or two solutions to one or two of our questions since the beginning of the Apocalyptic Era. As for why I said "we"...

Lagos State. In a certain part of Lagos State, located in the country known as Nigeria, a tall teenager of about 15 years old with bright silver pupils, mysteriously curled eyebrows, long silk-like woven hair, and a perfect charming face that can be called every girl's dream, stood still. If Aven had seen this scene, he would surely have been surprised and had his mouth wide open. For although Sylvester was quite handsome and quite a dashing young teenager before, to this extent certainly not. But that was another shock Aven was left to feel for another day. The young man or better still teenager stood upright as he gazed at the sky. As he was also reeling in thoughts, he was filled with various thoughts. Filled with various questions. In front of him stood various corpses of dead creatures, up to 10, that couldn't even be described again as they all had all their organs and body thrown all over the place. The ground had varieties of colors on the ground. Dark blood, green blood. Green dark blood, and so on. The air was filled with an eerie and nauseous smell. But as though not affected by all this, the young teenager known as Sylvester was still lost in thought. Who is the mysterious owner? Why does he seem to always have the answers to every question that one would have? Why does it feel as though the mysterious owner had already anticipated all this before they even happened? Why is he helping us? Could it really be that he is doing it out of nothing but kindness? But for such an enigmatic person, I doubt there would be the word "kindness" in his dictionary. So if it isn't out of kindness, why is he helping us? Or could it be that he has something to gain from helping us, but for such a mysterious person, what sort of help would he need from us? And if he indeed needs a kind of help or favor from us, what could it have been for him to give and have traded such a great treasure and knowledge for? Sylvester thought as he looked at his dazzling Golden bow, Beyonder. Beyonder, although I don't know what the future holds in it for us. And I don't know why the mysterious man is helping us. But one thing I know for sure is, even if I die trying, I will aim beyond the sky, I will aim beyond the stars and die trying if I must. Sylvester murmured as he held Beyonder high up, aiming for the stars. His eyebrows suddenly twitched. Swish, a blinding golden light was suddenly seen projecting into the air. And the next thing that happened was quite astonishing. 15 meters behind Sylvester, at a hidden corner behind Sylvester stood a shadow specter who was filled with cautiousness towards Sylvester, suddenly had an arrow piercing through its brain. It didn't even have any time to scream; all it had was the look of fear and horror on its face as it opened its mouth to speak. But it couldn't speak, no matter how it tried. As its words, maybe words of agony and curse, were to forever be buried with it as it ventured to the deepest path of hell. For the cocky and arrogant shadow specter to be so cautious of someone, one could see how dreadful Sylvester was. But Sylvester, who just killed a shadow specter, felt as though he had just swatted a fly as he was left in thought. It felt as though the mysterious owner has had all our paths laid down. Is this really a good thing or a bad thing? Sylvester murmured. As his system voice resounded in his ears.