Wraith hounds: Lets fight it out!

Currently in stealth mode, I was quite cautious because I still didn't know where the noise or strange sound had been heard.

"Grrh," the distinct vocalization rang out again.

This time, I was able to locate where the sound was coming from. It was coming from the back entrance to my house.

Then, sudden realization dawned on me. "Shit, I didn't close the back door," I shouted out, as I knew I had made a huge mistake – a great one, without a doubt. But I wasn't to be blamed, for I rarely made use of the back door and only had it there so I could go out of the house from two different places. But that fantasy of mine was now leading to me about to participate in a fight. It had now become a life-threatening situation.

The creature making the weird noise had entered into my kitchen. As it made its way to the dining room where I stood with caution written all over my face. I was really careful, hiding behind the door that led to the dining room, which was just located in front of the kitchen.

The creature passed by me, but it suddenly stopped when my hands were raised into the air, as I prepared to pierce the creature. The ghastly and menacing creature stood still as though it could sense something. Seeing this scene, I, who had made my way for the kill, suddenly couldn't help but stop. I wanted to find out what the ghastly, menacing dark creature was looking for.

Even in my stealth mode, I was still very careful, as I didn't even know the creature's level. I made sure that even my breathing was highly negligible. Upon doing this, I noticed that the creature made some weird noises and sounds, as though it couldn't understand what had just happened. The creature was certain that it had surely scented the aroma of a living creature as it made its way to my great and aroma-filled indomitable noodles.

Sniffing the aroma, the creature had a refreshing look on its face. As it suddenly did the unbelievable. The creature sat down and took the spoon meant for me to eat the indomitable noodles and did the unexpected – it feasted on it as though it hadn't eaten for years.

"How dare it eat my indomitable noodles," I thought. Seeing this scene, I had my mouth wide open, "Huh."

"Yeah, it seems that I will never get to see the end of these mysterious creatures that have suddenly surfaced on Earth's surface," I mused, looking at this creature that looked exactly like Wraith hounds written in novels, except for the fact that this Wraith hound was eating indomitable noodles. "Since when had that started?" I wondered. No matter which of these questions I had, I had no one but myself to answer me. "Chai, can't even ask for help and questions from the stupid system. It is basically just a useless fool," I rebuked, as I was quite aggrieved at having such a crappy system. "No problem, anyways. It seems that I will just have to find out myself," I murmured in a low and inaudible voice.

The Wraith hound wasn't even aware of all this, or better still, it could be said that it didn't bother to care about its surroundings after seeing the meal. It was really a glutton, I thought, as in less than 50 seconds, the Wraith hound had finished every single streak of noodles contained in the plate. "That was an achievement worth recording," I murmured, as I saw that the Wraith hound had stood up.

I thought the Wraith hound had finished with its meal and was preparing to go, and indeed, although I was right about the creature finishing a meal, it hadn't really finished all its meal. As it still had another one to finish – seeing the corpse of the zombie. The Wraith hound-like creature had a weird series of hisses and clicks as it was making a distinct vocalization sound.

The Wraith hound making these weird sounds left me in puzzles. "What was it trying to do?" I thought as I began to wonder. But I wasn't left to wonder for too long, as I got my answers. The answers to my questions had been answered when I heard a cacophony of unsettling sounds.

I couldn't help but almost burst into tears. It was calling its kind to come and help it in finishing the huge zombie. I really regretted not closing the door, but wait, I can still close it now. I just have to make sure that the door is locked, and I must do it without the Wraith hounds noticing me.

I thought as I made my way to close the back door. I walked carefully, tiptoeing one foot at a time. As soon as the wooden door was opened by the Wraith hounds as they rushed into my house, numbering in tens. I sucked in a mouthful of air, as I knew I shouldn't be found out by such a high number of Wraith hounds whose levels I didn't even know. I would be better called a dead man, which I wouldn't allow to happen.

Rolling down, I passed through the wooden door. I arrived at the metallic door entrance of the back door and locked it with the padlocks in a faint, almost indiscernible sound. "Now let me see how you guys will enter," I murmured as I made my way to see how the remaining Wraith hounds that had already entered my room were doing.

It was then I suddenly saw the shock of my life. Two to three more Wraith hounds had passed through the door as they heeded the call and beckon of the other Wraith hounds. Seeing such a scene, I almost collapsed onto the ground. "How will I be able to live in such a house? I will never even have peace of mind. And most importantly, I wouldn't be able to eat."

I raised my hands up with a solemn expression as I murmured, "Fine, since you guys don't want me to have peace of mind, let's fight it out!"