Help From The Tree Entity

Doesn't that mean that the entity in one way or the other got controlled by the...Aven glanced torwards the direction of the evil tree, piercing through the was controlled by the evil tree even after dying.

Aven murmured, shock and fear evident on his face.

Howthe heck is that even possible.

Is that even supposed to be possible.

Aven murmured, as it doesn't just make sense that one could control the dead after they die, and how the hell does the entity still has Vitalis even after it is dead.

Aven yelled, hoping for the system to answer him.

But just as he had thought, he was met with endless silence, which acknowledged that he wasn't going to receive any answers from the system.


Wonder what kind of stupid system is this.

Aven mumbled under his tone, yet hoping the system didn't hear, well he didn't really care if the system really heard.

It's not like the system could leave him alone...right.