Succombing To Drowsiness

How the heck does that fucking creature want me to survive after landing from such great heights.

If not for the awesome strength of this young lord, am afraid I would have become a puddle of fresh and blood.


Well since the stupid creature did save my life I guess I can forgive it, but the fucking question now is what the fuck did it save me from.

Aven pondered, as he suddenly remembered the fearful dying scream of the tree entities.

It was truly chilling and scary to the limit, I felt as though all my organs had suddenly froze at that point in time, although just for a breath of time.

That was more than enough to actually convince me that the tree entities were trying to save me from something.

What the hell could that be.

Aven murmured, his brows furrowed.

As he didn't like the fact that something seemed to be looming within the shadows yet he couldn't identify or find out what it is.