The Unbelievable Facts

The search had started under the King's orders and there was no turning back anymore. The King was more than ready to sacrifice a handful of servants for his daughter. 

Killian had expressed his objection towards the Princess but she hadn't found his reasons convincing enough to have the search for the quill halted. There was no reason for her to let go of something that she desired. Instead, she had visited the foot of the Mountains of Death just to observe the search party. Since she had made sure to be at a distance, the King had no objections either. Killian had accompanied her as well. 

"My lady, is this necessary?" Killian asked her as he held the parasol over her head to provide her shade from the scorching sunlight. 

"I cannot fathom your concerns. What is it that keeps you from telling me about the man?" Princess Sofia asked him at last, irritated by his protective gestures. 

Killian Schneider was selected as Princess Sofia's bodyguard as per Consort Helene's appeal. She initially wanted to keep the Princess in check until the Crown Prince could climb to the throne. However, her plans were shattered the moment Killian swore loyalty to the Princess. He completely abandoned his creed and worked for the King and the Princess. 

Princess Sofia was still pushed by her mother and servants to be careful around Killian. Yet she let him in on her secrets as if he was a close childhood friend - he had been her bodyguard from when she was just 10. Her secret encounter with the commoner was also only known by Killian. 

"He could be an author." Princess Sofia shrugged, trying to invalidate his concerns. "Some authors do not do that well. I can understand why he is a commoner. He probably ended up in the mountains out of fear." 

"That is not it." Killian completely disagreed. "I have heard strange things about him." 

Princess Sofia glared at him, "That is your problem!" She complained sternly. "I will never know if you would not bother telling me. You cannot just say he is strange and expect me to believe you. Know your place." 

Killian bowed his head towards the Princess, "My apologies." 

"Do not hinder me or I will send you back." The Princess threatened to keep him quiet. She wasn't ready to hear things he had no explanations for. 

The commoners observed the search party alongside the Princess, whom they thought to be a noblewoman. They were murmuring to each other the reasons for the search party. Some people knew the facts; an artifact was to be found. Others thought someone had disappeared. Either way, people were intrigued. 

The Princess had her attention diverted toward the people instead of the search party. Killian looked at her while she observed random people. She had always loved to watch the random sides of the streets. Since the foot of the mountains was beside a small village, there were a lot of people to see. 

The village had a small population because it was considered cursed due to the presence of the mountains. Their animals frequently disappeared into the mountains. Long ago, their people disappeared too but the government had taken measures against it. 

This is why it was hard to believe that a man had disappeared into the mountains. The King himself had made sure that the surroundings of the mountains were safe for people. They could never doubt the King as he had always been just and serving. 

With all sorts of thoughts flooding the Princess' mind, she started to walk away from the site and into the streets instead. A stroll was much better than watching the foot of a cursed mountain. Killian followed her around sheepishly with the parasol over her head. He hadn't much to say after exasperating her. 

But the Princess was rather calm and collected, visiting the little stalls in the small village. It was small but lively. She liked to see that despite being branded as a cursed village, people still lived here and lived happily. 

She stopped by a stall selling ornaments. She had already adorned herself with the most expensive pieces of ornaments but the moment she saw the unique goods of the stall, she couldn't hold herself. 

"These are so unique!" She exclaimed with joy, remembering how the quill had been just as unique. Could it be that it was from this village? Did she con the King?! She was suddenly troubled. 

"Yes, young lady!" The shopkeeper replied with pride. "It is all thanks to him." He added with a smile. 

The Princess shook her head to get rid of unwanted thoughts, "Him?" 

"Sir Heinrich!" 

Sir? He was a nobleman? If so, why was he dressed as a commoner then? The Princess was confused but she could see this as a lead. 

"Why thanks to him?" The Princess asked. 

The parasol above her head shook for a second, causing her to look back at Killian who wasn't particularly pleased about the current conversation. She quickly turned away from him, not wanting to listen to him at all. 

The shopkeeper cleared his throat, "Don't tell that to anyone but," he closed into the Princess to whisper the secret. 

Her eyes widened. "Is that true?!" 

"Yes!" The shopkeeper nodded vigorously. "All these jewels are his craft." 

The Princess looked at Killian and frowned. She grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the stall to have a word with him. 

"M-My lady?" Killian was confused by her sudden actions. 

"Is this what you couldn't tell me?" The Princess asked as she scoffed. 


"That he accessed the mountains at will?" The Princess asked sternly, "Huh?" 

Killian blinked in confusion. "What are you talking about, my lady?" 

"The shopkeeper said that the man frequented the mountains to bring them treasures!" The Princess said in a loud whisper, hoping no one other than Killian heard her. "Are we being lied to? Are the mountains not dangerous?" 

"My lady," Killian instantly held onto her arms gently. "Whatever you are thinking, do not think about it. We can never be sure of something that other people tell us." 

"Then why were you so against the idea of finding that man? Is your information not collected from people as well?" The Princess had a counter for everything. 

Killian sighed and shook his head, "What I heard was unbelievable." 

"What I heard is unbelievable too!" 

"Anyone can claim that they frequented the mountains for some jewels." 

"Anyone can claim whatever you were told as well!" 

"That we were brought to this world because of that man?"