
The Princess was taken aback by her bodyguard's strange words. She stared at him, looking for an explanation. However, he was done talking. 

"What do you mean?" She asked him for elaboration. 

"This is only a part of what I heard about him." Killian said as he sighed, "Either way, it is clear that the man is some sort of sorcerer. We cannot get involved with the likes of him." 

With that, Killian offered his hand for the Princess to grab onto. She hesitated but had nothing to say for the time being. After all, Killian had heard some strange things about him. The Princess took his hand, falling to her defeat. Killian gripped his hand around her before walking her away from the village. 

"Allow me to request His Majesty to halt the search." Killian requested her as he walked her away. 

The Princess pressed her lips together. "Let the search go on for a day or two. I shall talk to His Majesty myself." 

Killian deeply sighed to express his objection but the Princess ignored it. As they walked out of the village, an old woman walked towards them. She seemed to be heading towards the village but stopped upon seeing the two. 

"You have the energy of a traveler!" The woman shouted at the Princess, expressing her surprise. 

Killian couldn't be bothered so he kept on walking before he felt the Princess stopping to hear what the woman had to say, their hands straightened out to the distance he had created between them. He quickly walked back to the Princess and gripped her hand tighter than before. 

"What do you mean by that?" The Princess asked. 

"He had the same energy." The woman uttered. 

The Princess wasn't convinced, "Who?" But she continued. 

Any information that allowed her to convince Killian was enough. 

"The poet of the mountains, who else?" The woman chuckled softly. "He said a stanza that I love. 

'Find her by the foot of the mountain, 

Seldom she longs for a face to see,' 

I suppose he had already predicted that you would come for him." The woman added with a smile. 

The Princess looked at Killian who was still unbothered, then looked back at the old woman. 

"Where can I find him?" The Princess asked. 

"Him?" The woman scoffed. "He is long gone, young lady. Unless you dare to follow him to the mountains, you cannot see him for another decade." She added. "Or more." 

"So, will he come back?" 

"Of course. He always comes back. We would not have been born if he had not come." 

Killian looked at the old woman with confusion. It was a similar statement and he was intrigued. 

"What has our birth got to do with the likes of him?" Killian asked annoyingly. 

The Princess looked at him, surprised that he asked a question in her stead. 

"He brought the apocalypse, and the apocalypse ended because of him." The woman said slowly. 

The Princess and her bodyguard shared glances of disbelief. There was no way that young man was over 60 years old. The apocalypse struck the world 60 years ago. All known to mankind currently was that everything had been wiped out from roots to the sky. Mankind didn't know how it came into being again. Mankind didn't know what existed before them. Mankind didn't know what was right. 

Hence, wars began, countries emerged and Kingdoms were rooted to protect what was left of mankind. No one from the previous civilization had survived. The current civilization was aimed toward the welfare of mankind. 

"Let us leave, Killian." The Princess sighed and walked past Killian, pulling him with her since his hand was still gripping hers. 

She couldn't understand what was going on. All she knew was that it was all strange and beyond her understanding. She looked back at the old woman, watching them leave eerily. Looking back to the front, she was convinced that her bodyguard may be correct. Maybe the man was a sorcerer. 

The two walked back to the Palace with utter disappointment, only to be met with more disappointment. They ran into Consort Helene and Crown Prince Leon as soon as they entered the Palace. 

"Your Royal Highness," Consort Helene performed a curtsy. "I was expecting you." 

Princess Sofia performed a small curtsy back in respect for the Crown Prince before facing the Consort, "Me?" 

"I heard there is a search party going on around the Mountains of Death." Consort Helene uttered with a furious undertone, "How did His Majesty allow such shameless imprudence?" She scoffed. 

"It is for the search of an artifact." Princess Sofia defended the King. "Are you going to question the Royal order now?" She asked furiously. 

"It is not that I question the Royal order!" The consort quickly defended herself. "I merely speak for the uproar caused within the people of the capital! Have you any idea what kind of rumors are surfacing in the capital?" 

Princess Sofia crossed her arms. She had just returned from a stroll. She didn't remember hearing a single rumor. 

"That the Princess' lover is stuck in the mountains!" The consort exclaimed in awe. 

Princess Sofia turned white. "What?" 

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!" The consort nodded. "You must request His Majesty to halt the search or your dignity will be tarnished." 

"Baseless rumor!" Princess Sofia remained steadfast. "Just because I informed His Majesty of the artifact does not imply that my alleged lover has disappeared into the mountains!" She added, "Do not allow such rumors to spread in the internal court. You will be required to take responsibility otherwise, Lady Helene." 

The Crown Prince scoffed, "Mother is not wrong." He said. "She is just worried about your Royal Highness. The rumor did not spread yet and she only informed you. How come she has to take responsibility for something she wants to prevent?" 

"Your Royal Highness, I find it insulting that Lady Helene must bring up a baseless rumor like this." Princess Sofia stood her ground. 

"You do not understand yet, Princess." The Crown Prince smiled at her. "We are worried about your dignity as a family. Consider requesting His Majesty to halt the search. Losing one artifact would not crumble our economy. The Royal Court knows better." 

The Crown Prince was not only older but higher in status than her. She couldn't reject him. 

"Yes, your Royal Highness." Princess Sofia performed a curtsy before walking past the two. 

Her bodyguard Killian attempted to follow her, only to be stopped by the Crown Prince. Princess Sofia looked back at the Crown Prince holding her bodyguard's shoulder. However, she never liked involving herself in their matters so like any other day, she turned a blind eye and walked away. 

"Long time no see, Schneider." The Crown Prince uttered into Killian's ear. 

Killian took a step back and properly bowed to the Crown Prince. "Killian Schneider at your service, your Royal Highness." 

"Where are you coming from?" The Crown Prince jumped straight to the point. 

"From Her Royal Highness' afternoon strolls," Killian replied bluntly. 

"Where to?" 

"Nowhere in particular. We did go to the foot of the mountains to witness the search party. His Majesty is aware." 


"Nowhere else." 

"Do you not have anything else to tell me?" The Crown Prince demanded more information. 

Long ago, they could easily pry information out of Killian. However, ever since he had sworn his loyalty to the Princess, every feat was harder. 

"Nothing, Your Royal Highness." Killian simply replied, not giving away anything. 

Consort Helene scoffed, "Your Royal Highness, he hides things from you. Tell us about the Princess' lover! Now!" 

"Mother," The Crown Prince shook his head, "You may leave." He told Killian. 

Killian bowed and walked past them to follow the Princess. The Consort looked at her son for further elaboration. 

"The man your maid saw with the Princess," The Crown Prince smirked, "We must find him before the Princess does."