
The Princess stepped into her quarters and ordered her court ladies not to let anyone inside - even Killian. 

Her mood had been spoiled because of Consort Helene. She already felt defeated upon hearing strange rumors about the man and now the consort had stories to tell! 

Suddenly, a tall shadow appeared in front of her doors. She could hear her court ladies trying to convince the man to leave but the man was adamant to enter. The Princess passed a sigh. Her day had already gone downhill and her bodyguard was only going to make it worse. 

One of her court ladies entered the room and bowed to her, "Your Royal Highness, your bodyguard requests-" 

Killian entered behind the court lady, practically forcing his way in. 

"What is the meaning of this?!" Princess Sofia sternly asked. 

Killian looked at the court lady whom he had interrupted. Then he looked back at the Princess and raised an eyebrow. 

"Leave us alone for a minute." The Princess ordered her court lady. 

The court lady bowed and quickly left the room. 


"My lady." 

The Princess frowned. She looked away, gesturing to him to start talking or leave. 

"Why have you closed your quarters?" Killian asked her as he slowly sat down on the ground in front of her. 

"If this is what you wanted to ask, you should have not entered." The Princess scornfully replied. 

Killian pressed his lips together and stood up from his spot. He slowly walked around the table towards the Princess' side and quietly sat down next to her. She glared at him in confusion. 

He passed a sigh before reaching out for her hand, startling her. 

"You were picking on your skin, my lady," Killian told her. 

Hearing that, she quickly looked at her hand. She had been picking on her skin subconsciously. She quickly pulled her hand out of his hand and looked away from him. 

"Closing your quarters means accepting that the rumor is true, my lady," Killian said softly. "You must not let people find out." 

"Find out what?" The Princess glared at him, "That I questioned a commoner for having a valuable artifact?" She scoffed, "Or are you like those people who think he might be my lover?" 

"This is not what I meant-" 

"I know exactly what you meant!" The Princess shouted at him. 

"My lady!" Killian called her with caution in his voice, "Raise your voice at me and tell the entire Palace that something is up." He murmured to warn her. 

"I am not afraid of anyone." The Princess said arrogantly. 

"You should be." Killian reminded her, "The Palace is a terrifying place. Do not make the situation worse than it already is." 

The Princess took a deep breath, "Disappear!" 

"No, my lady. I will not leave until you tell me everything." Killian said, "Only then can I help you." 

"Did I ask for help from the likes of you?" The Princess asked as she scoffed. "Know your place." 

"I am aware," He said, "That you are interested in the young man." 

The Princess grabbed her sheathed dagger from the table and poked it into Killian's shoulder to exhibit her authority. 

"Say one more word and I will make sure you become dog food." The Princess warned him. 

"Allow this servant to say just one more thing." 


"It will prove useful." 

"Leave at once." 

Killian nodded. He stood from her side and bowed to her before turning around to walk for the door. 

"Let us hear it," The Princess changed her mind at the very last second, just as Killian was about to knock on the door. 

Killian turned around instantly, "If you are interested in the man, I shall visit the mountains for you." 

The Princess frowned, "Why would you do that? Are you insane?" 

"I have sworn loyalty to your Royal Highness." Killian said, "Seeing you distressed and doing nothing about it is the same as being disloyal." He added. 

The Princess found it hard to believe. 

"You will search for him in the mountains for me?" The Princess asked. "Send your men instead." 

"No." Killian shook his head. "I must go by myself. If people were to find out about it, your Royal Highness' dignity would be questioned. Hence, I must carry it out myself." 

The Princess couldn't find it convincing. Why would Killian want to search for a man for her? He must have his hidden reasons. There was no way a grown man would walk into the mountains just because a Princess was interested in some other man. 

The Princess nodded nonetheless. She was going to observe him for the time being. Either way, Killian was being strange and suspicious. Killian bowed down to her to show his gratitude. 

"Thank you for your generosity, my lady," Killian said and turned around to leave. 

Just then the door opened and the Princess' court lady walked inside. 

"Your Royal Highness, Royal Consort is holding a rite tomorrow. Your Royal Highness has been invited." The court lady quickly uttered. 

Killian turned around to look back at the Princess. The Princess looked back at him as well. The two shared glances, questioning the court lady's statement. 

"What rite?" The Princess proceeded to ask. 

"The Royal Consort brought up the issue of the search party and related rumors to His Majesty. A rite will be observed to alleviate the concerns of the public. Since the rumors are related to your Royal Highness, you must attend the rite at all costs." The court lady explained. 

The Princess scoffed, "Are they going to offer me to the skies or something?" 

The court lady looked up at the Princess in concern, as if this was precisely what they planned to do. 

The Princess looked at Killian and raised her eyebrows. 

"You should attend the rite." Killian said, "This is great, actually. I get to carry out my mission safely." He added. 

The Princess narrowed her eyes, still finding Killian suspicious. 

"Let us make sure no one can turn their fingers to your Royal Highness," Killian said confidently.