The Apocalypse of 17th Century

The Princess felt small, sitting in front of Heinrich with his arms around her, grabbing the reins of the horse they were riding. She wondered why he had no rules for her, why he mentioned another apocalypse, and why he was the way he was. 

"Um," The Princess cleared her throat. 

Although she was next to him, she still couldn't think of anything to say. 

"You were looking for me?" Heinrich asked, initiating the conversation after noticing her excitement to say something. 

"Y-Yes." The Princess stuttered unwillingly. "I, um," 

Heinrich passed a soft chuckle. He seemed to find everything about her amusing. She couldn't tell why. She quickly shook her head to shake off any awkwardness. 

"I wanted to ask you a few things." The Princess said confidently. 

"Go ahead." 

"What did you mean by your apocalypse earlier?" The Princess asked without any hesitation. She felt comfortable because she couldn't see his face. It greatly reduced her stress. 

Heinrich exhaled, "It is nothing serious. I just wanted to correct your assumption that your apocalypse was the only apocalypse that struck on this Earth. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs were wiped out because of asteroids and volcanic eruptions. If that is not an apocalypse, then what is?" 

The Princess narrowed her eyes, "Dinosaurs?" 

"Ah," Heinrich cleared his throat. "Their fossils will be discovered soon. Not in your timeline, but in this one. People do not know about them just yet. They were grand and majestic reptiles, ruling the earth millions of years ago." 

"You know so much!" The Princess felt like a little child next to his immense knowledge. 

"That is because I have seen it all," Heinrich added. 

"What else lived here millions of years ago?" The Princess proceeded to ask. 

Heinrich chuckled, "Is this what you wanted to ask me?" He asked. "I doubt this was the reason you would leave the mansion to search for me." 

"This was not, but now I am curious to know." 

Her charm and charisma were unmatched. Heinrich couldn't help but smile. He slowly nodded, agreeing to give her that science history class that everybody despises. 

"Before the birth of human beings, smaller animals used to live. Before those smaller animals, fungi, alga, protists, and other small plants used to live. Everything is expected to have started from bacteria." Heinrich tried to compile a bunch of knowledge in a few words. 

"How do you know all of this?" The Princess asked. 

Heinrich rolled his eyes, even though the Princess couldn't see it because she was facing the road. 

"People of this timeline know this much." Heinrich said, "Well not all of it. Most of it. Actually, not most of it." He corrected himself. "Some of it." 

The Princess chuckled, "See? You know more." 

"I mean, look at my age." Heinrich chuckled. 

The Princess turned her head up to look at him. It didn't get her a good look as she could only see his chin. However, she could tell he wasn't old even by looking at his chin. 

"You are not old." The Princess said. 

"That is what you think," Heinrich replied. 

"Then how old are you?" 

"No comment." 

"Then I will not believe you if you say you are old." 

He shrugged, "Sure." 

The Princess was still curious to know his age. But she was out of arguments. At least he wasn't treating her any differently than before. 

"I had something else to ask as well." The Princess murmured.


"Why did you tell everyone in the mansion that I was your Mistress?" The Princess asked. 

Heinrich's grip on the reins strengthened noticeably. Somehow, the Princess wasn't ready for his answer. 

"Wait, wait," The Princess shook her head in nervousness. "Do not say it." 

Heinrich cleared his throat, alarmed at her sudden nervousness. The Princess held onto the saddle tightly, wondering if it was okay to ask him or not. 

"What would you say if I asked you?" The Princess asked. 

"How can I tell you that without not answering?" 


Heinrich chuckled, "I do not know what you expect me to say, however, I will not say anything that might confuse you." 

The Princess gulped, "Then please answer. Why does everyone think that I am your Mistress?" 

"Originally, I wanted to tease you and say something peculiar," Heinrich chuckled, "But you are nervous. Therefore, I will tell you the truth." 

The Princess gulped as Heinrich kept on adding suspense to his answer. He did everything for his amusement and it showed. 

"I wanted to restore your title to the best of my ability," Heinrich said. "The reason it had to be a Mistress was that I already claimed you back at the Royal Palace. Also, I have never had a mistress. Therefore, there are no particular rules for you." 

"Why…" The Princess was confused. "Why would you be so nice to me?" 

"Who said I was being nice?" Heinrich shrugged. "This is called taking precautions." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I can mold some peculiar rules for you." 


Heinrich chuckled, "I am just joking." He clarified. 

The Princess turned her head back to look at him in concern. 

"I promise I was joking," Heinrich said, not being able to contain his laughter. 

The Princess turned away and sighed in relief. If Heinrich had been some evil mastermind, she wouldn't have survived a single day. 

"To clarify, I was not being nice." Heinrich said, "The moment you stepped into my mansion, you belonged to me. I need to treat my family the right way. Therefore, I kept the title for you." 

"This is called being nice." The Princess pressed her lips together, holding the saddle tightly. 

Heinrich noticed her gripping the saddle so tightly. 

"The only rules you would have to follow are the rules of the mansion that everyone else follows as well." Heinrich added, "Curfew, meals, health checkups, and all that." 

The Princess nodded softly. Since he was so nice, she was left speechless. 

"And one more thing," Heinrich said, "Although you are allowed to go out as you please, I recommend not doing so for the time being." 

The Princess narrowed her eyes and looked up at him, again, only being able to see his chin. 

"Why so?" 

"Who knows? The apocalypse of the 17th century might as well arrive."