
[In Miraculum, at the Royal Palace - 3002] 

The Royal Palace was already mourning, even though no one was dressed in funeral clothing. Somehow, everybody perceived that Princess Sofia had died. The latest investigations clued toward the same thing; the Princess had disappeared into the Mountains of Death with Killian Schneider. 

Killian was a suspect and the General of Miraculum was not at all happy with it. The King was the one to declare Killian a suspect - the same King whom the General had sworn loyalty to. This was the result of loyalty. 

The only person the General could refer to turned out to be Crown Prince Leon and Consort Helene. Sitting in their luxurious yet primitive abode, the General expressed his concerns. 

"His Majesty is not willing to see me." General Schneider said with utmost frustration. "For he knows exactly what I will say to him." 

Although Consort Helene and Crown Prince Leon disliked both the General and Killian, they had plotted something special to do with him during times like these. 

"Suspecting Killian is beyond my understanding!" Consort Helene saw eye to eye with him. "Do you not remember why I recommended Killian to be that good-for-nothing Princess's bodyguard in the first place?" 

"She was problematic." Crown Prince Leon finished his mother's words. 

"Exactly! And now she has proved it by engulfing your poor son in her problematic flames." Consort Helene stressed the Princess's ineligibility. 

The General sighed deeply. "What shall we do about this matter?" He asked humbly, "I cannot let my only son go." 

Consort Helene leaned to her table. The Palace had ears and she couldn't risk anyone listening to what she was about to say. The chaos was theirs to own. 

[Munich (Capital of Bavaria, The Holy Roman Empire) - 1617]

The Princess still had many unanswered questions left. The mansion was near but the number of questions had just increased from this small horse ride. 

"I have more questions." The Princess complained, seeing how the mansion had gotten so close. 

"It will get dark soon," Heinrich said slowly. 

"We can go when it gets dark-" 

The Princess pressed her lips shut when she felt something cold falling on her head. She looked up to see tiny snowflakes falling slowly. 

"What is this?!" The Princess exclaimed in awe. 

Heinrich looked up and chuckled, "Snow?" 

"What is snow?" 

"You do not know that?" 

The Princess shook her head. 

Heinrich chuckled, "Well, there goes another science class." 

"No, I want to know what this is. Is this dangerous?" The Princess seemed alarmed. 

"I reckon your timeline had no such thing as snow." Heinrich murmured, "That is peculiar. Usually, succession leads to a sustainable ecosystem." 

The Princess turned her head around to look at him in the utmost confusion, "Can you please speak in words I can actually understand?" She asked with frustration. 

"You know what?" Heinrich exhaled, "Maybe a trip to the main library will be more beneficial for you than a horse ride across the town." 

"Will you be there too?" 

"I suppose." He shrugged. 

The Princess smiled and looked away. She didn't mind going back to the mansion now that Heinrich had agreed to accompany her to the library. She could have her questions answered while learning about the white and flaky bits falling from the sky. 

"In any case," Heinrich said, "Snow is just water vapor, frozen due to the cold weather." He explained roughly. 

"That is interesting." 

"What is interesting is the fact that your timeline had no such thing as snow." 

"It was hot. I do not think the air ever got the chance to be this cold." 

"Of course." 

"That brings me to a question." 


The Princess sulked as Heinrich proceeded toward the mansion without giving her a chance to ask another question. As the horse slowly walked to the mansion's stables, Heinrich scoffed at the sight of someone standing by the back gate of the mansion. 

"Jochen!" Heinrich called the man. The Princess immediately remembered the name. Kaspar had told her that Jochen was Heinrich's son. 

The Princess remained on the horse since Heinrich wasn't getting up either. Jochen walked closer. He had black hair and black eyes, just like Heinrich. He looked like a younger version of Heinrich but with an angry expression. 

"Manners?" Heinrich raised an eyebrow since the man, Jochen, didn't speak up at all. 

"Welcome, Great Father," Jochen said with a bitter tone. 

Heinrich let go of the reins of the horse and jumped down the horse casually. He opened his arms toward the Princess to help her get down naturally. The Princess, hesitant at first, glanced at Jochen and then Heinrich. 

Jochen looked like he had witnessed the end of the world, whereas Heinrich looked normal. The Princess eventually fell into his arms. His hands gently held her waist and maneuvered her down the horse. 

He gently pulled his hands away from her and faced Jochen. 

"If you came here to go out, I forbid you from doing so," Heinrich said slowly as he ran his hand across his horse. 

"I came here to see you." Jochen clarified. 

Heinrich raised an eyebrow, as if surprised. "You?" He asked with surprise. "Coming to see your old man?" He proceeded to ask with surprise. "Above and beyond me." 

The Princess confusedly just stood beside Heinrich as he had a strange conversation with his strange son. 

Jochen looked at the Princess and scoffed, "A mistress?" He asked boldly. "I am assuming I have let you down." 

"Not at all." Heinrich said with a joyous voice, "Had you let me down, I would not schedule your marriage at all. My mistress here is just a mistress. Nothing more. Nothing less." He shrugged. 

"The fact that you go as far as to explain this to me clearly means that your mistress is more or less than what she seems," Jochen said, "Correct?" He looked at the Princess for an answer. 

"Jochen," Heinrich said with seriousness, "Questioning me now?" 

"Dare I question you, cut my limbs off." He immediately replied. 

Heinrich sighed and rolled his eyes, "I suppose you have nothing good to say," He said as he grabbed the Princess's hand out of the blue. "See you around." He added while pulling the Princess away from there. 

Jochen fell to his knees behind him, "Do not marry me off." 

Heinrich stopped and turned around to look at him. "Sofia," He called her nonchalantly. 

"Y-Yes, Master?" She was taken aback, hearing him call her name. 

"Could you leave us for a minute or two?" Heinrich asked, "Head to the library, I will follow soon." 

The Princess nodded, watched him let her hand go, and then turned around to leave instantly. She walked inside through the gate but left it slightly open so that she could hear their conversation. Her curiosity had peaked too high to walk away innocently.