I Trust You

The Princess and Killian stood outside Heinrich's room, contemplating whether or not to go inside. They knew mentioning the journal would get them in trouble. However, they had to do something about themselves now that Teresia wasn't around to help them. 

"Let us just go inside, my lady," Killian said as he sighed. 

They had been standing here for an hour now. 

"I need to think of what to say first…" The Princess replied hastily. 

"Think what?" A voice appeared behind them. 

They turned around to see Kaspar standing cluelessly. 

"Why are you here?" The Princess asked. 

"I was just passing by," Kaspar replied, "Why are you two standing here?" 

The Princess and Killian shared glances. 

"If you have something to say to the Great Father, just go inside." Kaspar shrugged and walked away.