
These days were all the same. They would get on horseback, ride till nightfall, and then rest by a campfire. Given the war going on, it seemed like a more central war. When they moved away from the Capital of Bavaria, they didn't detour as much and rode around freely in the markets. 

The only place they had experienced war was right before they left Bavaria. From nationwide famine to disease, they saw a lot of people who were on their last breaths. The situation was much better outside Bavaria. 

While on the horse, the Princess held the saddle mindlessly, thinking about what Elisabeth had said the other day. She had defended Heinrich so well that no one had anything to say afterward. The Princess admired a person like Elisabeth. 

She wanted to be like her as well! 

"Killian?" The Princess looked above to look at Killian, although she could only see his chin from her angle. 

"Yes, my lady?" Killian asked politely.