Father Figure

August rubbed his eyes, struggling to sit up. Heinrich sat beside him and helped him sit up for breakfast. Although August's wound was shallow, it healed slowly. August was just fifteen years old. So, Heinrich wondered if it was because of the psychological shock. 

"How are you feeling?" Heinrich asked softly, hoping his question wouldn't annoy the angsty teen. 

"I am fine." August uttered while biting the bread, "Did you see Lili? I have not seen her since forever." 

"Ah," Heinrich hummed, "I left her in Odila's care. She is a trustworthy maid. You need not worry." He explained. "If you want to see her, I can bring her here." 

August shook his head lightly, "I will see her once I recover." 

Heinrich nodded, closely observing his facial expressions. Something was troubling August. Heinrich narrowed his eyes and continued to look at him. 

"What do you want?" August asked bluntly, keeping his attention to the food.