
Later that night, the Princess had trouble sleeping. She kept wondering what kind of vision Killian might have had. Killian looked like he didn't want to talk about it. Therefore, the Princess didn't insist on knowing. Since he said he didn't remember the vision, the Princess believed he didn't. 

The restlessness and quietness of the night made the Princess shudder in bed. The bright moonlight escaped the curtains of the wire mesh window. The Princess felt strange. She felt like she could hear distant footsteps. A lot of distant footsteps were slowly approaching. Was she too conscious for her own good? She closed her eyes tightly and hoped she would fall asleep. 

Suddenly, someone pounded on the door. The Princess opened her eyes, startled and confused. The door opened, and Killian rushed inside. 

"My lady!" Killian whispered as he approached her. 

The Princess sat up. Killian instantly wrapped a cloak around her.