Generous Immortal

After seeing Killian and talking things out with him, the Princess felt much better. She even chatted a little with Agneth. For now, clinging to the hope that her mother was alive was more than enough for her. 

All she had to do was wait for Killian to recover. Then they could all go and find her mother. 

The Princess had never been close to her mother in Miraculum. Her father had spoiled her, and her mother was strict. Her mother would always scold her. However, the Princess had seen the world from the eyes of a commoner, a commoner at the mercy of an immortal in a warzone at that. She didn't need to be scolded by her mother to know what was right and wrong. 

The Princess wanted to see her mother regardless of their relationship. Knowing that her mother was her only family made the Princess throw all uncertainties away. Her mother had even made Heinrich promise to keep the Princess away from Miraculum.